
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
My wife walked into my office just now and almost busted a gut laughing at my panels. She is a normal person. The best reaction to my audio stuff occurred when my sister and her husband came to visit my bachelor pad in the Bay Area. As you open th... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
I received the GIK panels and have installed them without knowing what I am doing. Once I  contact the GIK rep tomorrow and get the placement done with his guidance I will post some new photos. I though I would post some thoughts the GIK rep gave ... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@gosta The DEQX can be used by newbies like me however, it is a bit more involved. The first step is to take it your backyard and then take mic measurements without any wall interfering. I don't think I am going to go to all that trouble for my of... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@mheinze The Pass should have been a good match for the Persona for my ears. I think I would have liked the demo you had in Germany. You may really hate some amps I have owned in the past. I thought the Simaudio was warm sounding compared to those... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@drewan77 posted the following response to a DSP question I posted on the DEQX game changer thread.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/is-deqx-a-game-changer/post?postid=1681789#1681789 
Is DEQX a game changer?
@ drewan77 Sorry for the late response, I forgot to check this thread. Your response was very useful. When I get my small room sounding good you are welcome to hear it. 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@mheinze When I first heard the Persona 5F with the Lyngdrof 2170 I was ready to go home after 5 minutes. I selected the Lyngdorf because of the DSP feature. We did not use DSP during the demo because the room was rather large and the DSP was not ... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@erik_squires  My room treatments from GIK arrive today. I will listen with them for a while, though I do not have a big speaker to pressure my room. There are some short comings in my untreated room that can be improved upon. So I will be listeni... 
Hegel H590
I contacted Hegel about hearing this in S. Cal but none of their dealers have bought one yet. I do know that the Suncoast dealer in Florida has the Hegel and a ton of other integrateds. You may want to give him a call and talk to him about it rela... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Interesting take by Linn on DSP. These are fighting words against the approach taken my Lyngdorf and Antherm.https://www.linn.co.uk/blog/want-true-room-correction-drop-the-mic 
What are you streaming tonight?
Disco Royale TIDALReleased 2 weeks ago. Fun sound. 
Preview: CODA Technologies new generation number#8 Stereo Amplifier
@jujubeez The Anthem ARC is in the separate STR preamp and also the STR integrated not in the separate STR amp.I am going to do a have a dealer do a DSP shootout for me with Lyngdorf 2170 | Linn SELEKT DSM | Anthem STR in a truly bad room. I will ... 
Preview: CODA Technologies new generation number#8 Stereo Amplifier
This amp seems a little like the amp I just heard with Paradigm Persona 5F, the Simaudo 860A at $15K. They were great with the Personas. I have always had the CODA on my radar so much so that a few months ago I was corresponding with CODA on the a... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@tomic601 One of the tuners I have is a modified Sony XDR-F1HD. It was rather low cost but surprisingly decent quality. However, it is a bear to use and I maybe interested in selling it for something else. I do not have the dollars to do this yet ... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@tomic601  I already have 2 tuners. I for each of the 2 stations I jam to. Now if I had a 3rd station, but no third station around these parts.