
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

Disco...yep, I'm going there
I enjoyed disco as a kid on AM radio. I did not listen to disco for maybe 30 years after the 70's but decided to buy some "mix tape" disco collections and I realized how much fun the tunes were. Especially for the weekend car rides I did along Hwy... 
Any word when Yamaha M-5000 amp will hit the U.S.
If you are inclined to tie the speakers with the associated electronics. Check out the youtube video on listed at the bottom of the discussion below. https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/all-new-yamaha-ns-5000-speakers-world-beaters.22170/page-5  
Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier, opinions and competition
The review mentioned above. https://audiobacon.net/2019/03/29/benchmark-ahb2-stereo-power-amplifier-review/ Rather interesting that Benchmark is out of stock. https://benchmarkmedia.com/collections/amp/products/benchmark-ahb2-power-amplifier  
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
Thanks guys for the feedback. I already have a Peachtree Nova 150 class D integrated (may upgrade to the NOVA 500 for $2K). This unit will go to a bedroom once I get a better system. However, one idea is to play with Nova integrated for a month or... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
A question for you lucky Luxman integrated owners. I need an amp and preamp for my very small room, I plan on putting floor standers in this room. It is now treated with GIK acoustic panels  and sounds rather good with my KEF LS50's monitors. I wa... 
What are you streaming tonight?
@uberwatz Can you tell me if Quboz has NEW ORDER - Substance? I was looking for it on Tidal for the last few years and cannot find it. I am trying to figure out if I should switch to Quboz. 
Open request to Audiogon programmers for filters on listings
I remember talking to the Audiogon management about this feature at a San Francisco show almost 20 years ago.  
Death of Rock 'n' Roll
@n80 I saw the "Who" about 2 years ago in Vegas during a Bachelor party. It was just Daltry and Pete + other musicians. I had very low expectations going in but I was very happy to hear the old geezers play. They sounded great. 
Death of Rock 'n' Roll
@falconquest  Never heard of LONDON GRAMMAR but did check out your link and liked the tunes they played. Thanks, I have added them to my Tidal roster.I forgot how I got to the Frank Zappa and Led Zeppelin concert videos while watching the London G... 
Death of Rock 'n' Roll
@falconquest  Check out the video from the Boston concert. I demoed Magico A3 speakers with Tash (and others) and the dealer was rather happy to hear this new prodigy.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/tash-sultana 
Nominees For Worst Recording Of All Time
RUSH "Vapor Trails". I actually threw that CD in the trash since I could not listen to it. I knew there was good music in the CD but it was unlistenable. This disk is rather legendary for how bad the Dynamic Compression was. A little shocking cons... 
Death of Rock 'n' Roll
Rock is dead because of CLASSIC ROCK radio. I saw this coming from a mile away. There are some good to great rock artists out there but they won't get air play on rock stations. Maybe not even on alternative stations. Musicians like Tash Sultana. ... 
Bryston 4B Cubed vs Hegel H360 vs Benchmark AHB2
@jetter I sold because I moved and did not have room for 2 small systems. I have a toddler so things need to be controlled. I also wanted to to raise some cash to buy some stocks and the office gear (Benchmark(s) + Audience 1+1 speakers) were sold... 
looking for DAC
For that price, I would get the Benchmark without the analog inputs and volume control. I would use a preamp + Benchmark DAC3 B ($1700). I owned the DAC3 HGC and I realized I wanted a better volume control than available on the HGC. 
Benchmark DAC 3 HGC or RME ADI-2 DAC
The DAC3 volume did not have enough granularity for me to be happy with it. It was rather coarse in the steps available. If I remember correctly I was not entirely happy at low volume. The new Benchmark preamp is supposed to be a big improvement o...