Responses from yoby
A method to more quickly extract the benefits from a Perfect Path Mat, Alpha Card or Gate Hi theaudiotweak: Your experiment seems to parallel cryo treating audio products and components. I commend you for your diligent and thorough work. This is really getting to be fun! | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi slaw: The magnetic effect of the MC 0.5s will take 3 or 4 days to completely to away. I sold mine (7 of them ) and bought PPT products with the money instead. Hi sbayne: I completely agree with your last post! | |
Perfect Path Technologies - "Stop It" AC Duplex passive line conditioners +1 fleschler | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi Frank: I'm curious as to how you attached the mats to your speakers (tape, Velcro?). | |
Which to Upgrade first? My Amplifier or Speakers Hi normantaylor: How about a pair of affordable subwoofers to compliment the Maggies to start with? | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies +1 tommylion. Welcome darellczay! Upon removing the High Fidelity MC-0.5s from my system the was a slight improvement in the sound ( a more open, less "dull" presentation). The improvement continued for the next 3-4 days as the MC-0.5s leave a res... | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi slaw: My personal experience with other tweaks and Perfect Path Tech products has been that the Bybee video enhancers and Bybee iQSE are no go, however, the Bybee Quantum purifiers are sympatico (I have those installed in the AC of my CD player... | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi jafreeman: Do you have two Omega+ mats stacked on top of each other, or do you have one on top and one underneath your CDP? | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies +1 ricevs. Your post speaks volumes to me, as I consider you a master tweaker. | |
Who uses power conditioning? +1 cohsystms: I've only tried the entry level offering (Electraclear), and it's really an outstanding product. Especially for the price ($60.00 each here on Audiogon). Bill is an absolute delight to talk with on the phone, and I look forward to au... | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies +1 Frank. When Tim told me that the electric bill would decrease after a couple of months, and that I would have to turn up the thermostat in the refrigerator I thought it was just sales hype. I was wrong. | |
ADD-Powr by Coherence Systems --- Power Conditioning Products Does anyone have experience with the "Wizard" unit? What does it do and how does it perform in comparison to Electraclears, Symphony Pro, and Sorcer units? What are the dimensions of it? | |
OCD HiFi Guy has guts Guts or maybe just deep pockets. I do find many of his videos informative and occasionally entertaining. | |
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’ Hi jay23: Just so you know, I have the Gate pugged into the service AC outlet that's located right next to my main breaker panel and am getting stunning results from it. No need for an electrician or inspectors. Good listening. Jeff | |
ADD-Powr by Coherence Systems --- Power Conditioning Products Hi uberwaltz: I use Perfect Path Tech omega mats, e-cards, paste, Stop Its, and The Gate in my system. I recently installed four Electraclears, one into the AC outlet right next to my main breaker box where I also have The Gate plugged in. The oth... |