Responses from yoby
Great country recording Check out The Derailers. | |
Steely Dan Hi Theo: I use these in black. They're outstanding! noaudiophile.com/AudioEngine_A2_Plus/ | |
Help with Newforce ST 200 Hi hifile: My Nuforce 9SE V3 amps use 5 amp-fast blo fuses. | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi grannyring: I'm curious. Do you have the "Gate" installed at or near your breaker box? | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Ron at Marigo Audio also makes some of the world's finest vibration control devices (shelves and footers). | |
2020 FLORIDA AUDIO EXPO WHICH ROOMS would YOU VISIT? I'm curious what Add Pwr will be bringing to the party. Interesting products. | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi Steve: Same here. The yogurt kept freezing! Your system looks (and I'm sure sounds) fantastic. Nicely done. | |
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review Hi Frank: I sent you an important email. Please read it. Thanks. Jeff | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi Steve: Welcome to the Perfect Path Tech experience! In the beginning , I was skeptical of these products having been a tweaker for many years. All of these accessories are the real deal, with the Gate being by far the most dramatic (as well as ... | |
Diminishing Returns Well said Mike. | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi rpw: I placed mine on the rear of the cabinets just above the binding posts where the crossover resides. | |
Is grounding with RCA is safe? +1 nonoise. Agreed | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi ozzy: I have an Omega E mat underneath my universal player and two E cards mounted internally (using Velcro) in the power supply section. These two E cards replaced an Audio magic Pulse Gen ZX that was in there. | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies Hi sbayne: These also work quite nicely https://www.amazon.com/480-Mounting-Tabs-Removable-1-2/dp/B0011MJOGC/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3MYWFLFE8T3DJ&a... | |
Perfect Path Technologies "Warning ... These products are like eating potato chips. Once you get started, it's hard to quit." Amen Frank! Happy New Year. |