
Responses from yoby

Great country recording
Check out The Derailers. 
Steely Dan
Hi Theo: I use these in black. They're outstanding!  noaudiophile.com/AudioEngine_A2_Plus/ 
Help with Newforce ST 200
Hi hifile: My Nuforce 9SE V3 amps use 5 amp-fast blo fuses. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Hi grannyring: I'm curious. Do you have the "Gate" installed at or near your breaker box? 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Ron at Marigo Audio also makes some of the world's finest vibration control devices (shelves and footers). 
I'm curious what Add Pwr will be bringing to the party. Interesting products. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Hi Steve: Same here.  The yogurt kept freezing! Your system looks (and I'm sure sounds) fantastic. Nicely done. 
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review
Hi Frank: I sent you an important email. Please read it. Thanks. Jeff 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Hi Steve: Welcome to the Perfect Path Tech experience! In the beginning , I was skeptical of these products having been a tweaker for many years. All of these accessories are the real deal, with the Gate being by far the most dramatic (as well as ... 
Diminishing Returns
Well said Mike. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Hi rpw: I placed mine on the rear of the cabinets just above the binding posts where the crossover resides.  
Is grounding with RCA is safe?
+1 nonoise. Agreed 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Hi  ozzy: I have an Omega E mat underneath my universal player and two E cards mounted internally (using Velcro) in the power supply section. These two E cards replaced an Audio magic Pulse Gen ZX that was in there.  
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Hi sbayne: These also work quite nicely  https://www.amazon.com/480-Mounting-Tabs-Removable-1-2/dp/B0011MJOGC/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3MYWFLFE8T3DJ&a... 
Perfect Path Technologies
"Warning ... These products are like eating potato chips. Once you get started, it's hard to quit."  Amen Frank! Happy New Year.