

Responses from wtf

Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Thanks for the update Tobeornottobe. Always wanted to hear the OH and just may at some point. 
Pure Music
Elescher .. your system is amazing. Can only imagine how good it sounds. I'll be interested to hear what you think of Amarra 2.5 after you give it a listen again (if you care to post that is). 
Breakout DAC for 2013?
"I am only railing at the idea out there is some magic DAC no one has heard of which is perfect, dirt cheap, infinitely upgradeable, and ALL my friends will look at with awe.. NOT."Elizabeth .. I don't believe the OP was asking about dirt cheap, m... 
Pure Music
Audiofun .. I've stopped using PM for the very same reason. I fear the trend for the "modern DAC sound" is in full force. Not good in my opinion. Elescher .. funny, I feel exactly the opposite regarding Amarra. I think it's their best work yet. De... 
Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice
Check out the Chord Electronics QuteHD .. great bang for the buck at just under $2000. The trickle-down tech from their reference DAC must be heard to be appreciated and does wonders for Redbook. You have to install a driver first on the Mac (whic... 
Any impressions of CHORD or Mytek DACs?
Butler, it never ends does it. If you decide to purchase, please share your impressions. Good luck. 
Any impressions of CHORD or Mytek DACs?
Butler .. just thought I'd update. After burn-in and some listening time, I pulled the plug on the PSU MK2 and put the QuteHD power supply back in. I was very surprised to hear everything collapse a bit .. soundstage, bass, everything. Funny, I wa... 
Streaming music thru Apple TV or digital player
I have 2 of the 2nd generation and find them convenient for streaming movies and Internet radio and sound quite good. That being said, keep in mind they resample audio to 48kHz unlike the Bryston. Although I haven't heard the Bryston I understand ... 
DAC question
Seems you've put together a nice 1st system and I applaud your decision to wait a bit and enjoy. That being said, if you have any interest in computer audio a DAC will be in your future. The Bifrost, which has been well reviewed (I own one), is a ... 
Any impressions of CHORD or Mytek DACs?
I just ordered a King Rex PSU MKii in the 13V option to try. Should be here in a couple of days. 
Dac Questions from an Analogue guy :
This is a good place to start:http://thewelltemperedcomputer.com/index.html Then go here:http://www.computeraudiophile.comGood luck 
Any impressions of CHORD or Mytek DACs?
I emailed Chord a month ago about powering the QuteHD with a SOtM battery supply I own and here is the reply:"Unfortunately the SOtM battery supply does not have enough voltage to drive the QuteHD. It needs to have at least a 12V output to work pr... 
Any impressions of CHORD or Mytek DACs?
The only ones I've come across are European only. Here is a link to the one I can remember: http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/power-supplies/514-chord-qutehd-linear-power-supply.html 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Now you guys have me thinking I should try bigger badder amps! I've only heard one class d amp in my system, the PS Audio Trio, which doesn't compare sonically to my Odyssey Cyclops. Anyone have experience with (or thoughts on) the new D-Sonic amp... 
Any impressions of CHORD or Mytek DACs?
I've had the QuteHD for a month or so .. I'm very happy with it. There's a thread on CA (which I've participated in) that you may be interested in. http://www.computeraudiophile.com/f6-dac-digital-analog-conversion/new-chord-qutehd-dsd-and-384-32-...