

Responses from wsrrsw

I also have a PL tube CD player. I can’t say if it’s better/worse than others. I like it but didn’t try anything else. 
I had Dialogue integrated and traded it for a Dialogue HP integrated. (Had a tube Mac prior then a Hegel). I rolled the supplied el34’s to KT 120’s to power sonus faber’s that needed more to drive them. It’s around four years old now. No problems.... 
How good is your system
Colbert reported from a flume that Future Love Paradise is past pluperfect while Hi-De-Hoed while swinging her Calloway. My system is so good it clears mud. Dig? 
What in your mind represents real technological advancement.
Loved reading about Edgar Villchur..Thx cd318 
Reasonable but not outragious interconnects
Lasprada audio very good. They have a web site but sell for less (new) on eBay. Well made.Anything better than low end stuff. Hard to go wrong upgrading.  
Power - where to start? Mains, chords, conditioner, filter?
Where to start is to consider the entire power flow set up by thinking of it as an entire system. I first got a power conditioner but it wasn’t until the wall plug, cords et all was changed that the sound morphed like it was top end system that’s ... 
Best Way to Integrate Subwoofers?
I'm confused.My Primaluna HP has a sub out RCA tap that I run to a B&W sub. Would I be better off using a Subwoofer Crossover? 
How much do we at A'gon influence the industry?
To those of you who say No,nottah and zilch. I recently completed a long search and purchase for a speakers upgrade. This forum and others out there on the web guided me (Sure I did speak to my dealer as well.). I’m fortune to have landed with a P... 
Do any of your Rolling Stones recordings bring "Satisfaction"?
Kinda agree except for Honky Tonk Women by The New Barbarians 
Looking for speaker recommendations
Why not add a sub woffer? In your room a smaller one would do a lot.  
What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?
Eggleston Works Ivy Signature SEKEF MuonSonus Faber Aida  
Tube amplifier suggestion for 101 dB speakers
Yes, Primaluna HP has lots of video, demo, etc on the internet.What I notice as a dilettante is that it uses 8 x EL34 and 6 x 12AU7 tubes from factory. Why is the high quantity of tubes, 14 compared to 4 + 4 in the Rogue ST-100, the latter being e... 
Tube amplifier suggestion for 101 dB speakers
First post here but not my first Hifi rodeo. Check out the primaluna HP. It will come with EL34s. Roll those out and roll in KT88 or KT 120’s. I got from Upsacle audio. Ask to speak with Kevin. Before rolling tubes listen to the 34’s. I’m using th...