Responses from woots
What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please. My set up is: Roon Nucleus+, a Synology NAS DS918+ and a Lumin T2. The Lumin T2 offers a great soundstage and I just upgraded from a Lumin D2. I use the Lumin T2 in my main listening area and I have Sonos set up in 7 different zones where I use ... | |
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment Made some significant upgrades in 21 after researching for over 1 year. 1) best upgrade was replacing Martin Logan Esl 15a with Wilson Alexia speakers. 2) 2nd best upgrade was replacing McIntosh Mc1.2kwh monoblocks with Audio Research Reference... | |
Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD I love my McIntosh and Sonus Faber combination. You will too. Magico speakers sound a bit hollow with McIntosh based on my demos. | |
Capital Audio Fest Notes @divertiti My best of show by a LONG shot was the Kharma Exquisite Midi I was introduced to Kharma in April and was blown away as well. The dealer had the DB9S which were very impressive so I can't imagine how great the midi sounded. Thanks for ... | |
Blue Lights Check out the Lumin D2. Under $2.5k | |
Looking for Speaker Input Earlier this year I had the opportunity to demo many amps connected to an Aurender Streamer and many different speaker combinations. I heard amps from Boulder, McIntosh, Luxman, Pass to name a few. Speakers heard were Focal various models, Magico... | |
Rotel RSX 1550 and RMB 1585 @oldhvymec It was a blown fuse on My RSX 1550 and since the trigger was in use on my RMB1585 that's why it would not come on. All fixed now and they actually cleaned everything uo on the insides and plays like a champ again. Woots | |
NO listening sessions posible , bookshelf for a Raven Nighthawk I recently purchased the Sonus Faber Sonetto II's and all I can say is WOW! For such a small speaker it really does over deliver your expectations. I, too, like you, was unable to audition and went with a dealer recommendation and am beyond thril... | |
REL vs JL AUDIO I just switched from my Martin Logan Force subs and picked up 2 REL subs after demoing REL and JL Audio. Extremely happy with the upgrade. | |
questions for georgehifi and others about powering my Wilson Sasha2s I have been in contact with Audio Research and in their showroom they have used Wilson Alexia 2's and Wilson also uses Audio Research in their facility as far as pairings go.Woots | |
questions for georgehifi and others about powering my Wilson Sasha2s @mayoradamwest Can you tell me more about your ARC/Alexia 2 set up? I'm looking at both of these to upgrade my system. What are you using as a Preamp?Thanks!Woots | |
replace Mcintosh with Luxman I had the opportunity to demo my current McIntosh MC1.2kwh amps as well several amps and speakers. I did listen to the Luxman 900u amp you are looking at and the Luxman gave much more detail than the McIntosh with every set of speakers that were d... | |
Rotel RSX 1550 and RMB 1585 Yep. That's where I'm at. I just thought it was extremely odd that two pieces of equipment would have that happen to them at the same time and yet directv, appletv, DVD player, tv, etc. all work fine. I'm even more curious as to what happened.I... | |
Which subwoofer? I also have ML electrostatic speakers and have 2 ML Force 212 subs. The subs make a significant positive impact. | |
Adding 2 Channel to my HT system and need some input on options Good point russ69. |