
Responses from wirehead

amp for Dynaudio Contour 1.1
Ruo: The cdp is something your friend should wait on because of the SACD v. DVD-A wars. I'm waiting to see what happens. I think SACD will prevail and then watch the prices drop and other manufacturers get involved. In the meantime, and only as a ... 
Best value speakers available
Clements speakers seem like a big bang for the buck, high sensitivity, good range and nothing over $1000, haven't heard 'em thou. 
amp for Dynaudio Contour 1.1
Thanx Ruo:I am not endorsing these products nor have I listened to them but the Musical Fidelity AC3r amp and pre retail for about $3000 and got quite good reviews. Because they are solid state and new you could look around here for used. They see... 
amp for Dynaudio Contour 1.1
Ruo:It would help if we knew your friends' budget, room size, type of music and preference for seperates, integrated, solid state or tubes. Regards, 
Lets fight Part2
I've boycotted the voting since its start (except at first when I accidently stumbled on it, sorry to whomever I voted for). If you say something good or bad I'll let you know. There, thats my promise. I challenge any other members to do the same ... 
My own audio store
Wow Jeff, I don't know if wiring your house that way qualifies you being a store (I think you actually have to sell it) but when you do retire your probably going to put a lot of dealers in your town out of business. I have a humble system in an a... 
Stunned by a cable upgrade
Good post Gunbei, I am interested in the AP as well and was wondering if anybody tried the DH Labs Q-10. I have T-14 now, biwired and I'm wondering if the silver for tweeter and copper for bass configuration of the Q-10 makes it a step up from the... 
Best Bass On CD Vote 2001=JAMES CARTER
Damn, I had that disk in my hand yesterday and put it back. How 'bout track 7 of the new Patricia Barber? 
Where will be hi-end audio in 2050?
There will be solid, empirical evidence that bi-wiring and power cords do make a difference. Sony will be introducing the new SACDIII and will slowly release titles starting with "Kind of Blue". Unfortunately, you won't be able to hear the perfect... 
Congested sound, new speakers?
Stereogen: Before you go runnin' around looking at speakers (which might be fun come to think of it. I understand that you have good speakers now. When you move into your new space you'll be able to audition for the right speaker. I have the same ... 
New Stereophile recommended list
Those Triangle Antals rated a B - Full Range and at the beginning of the Speaker Recomendations the editor says they have to go below 40hz, I think. I'm sure they're good speakers but to go against your own criteria is dishonest. No explanation wa... 
Tube preamp for Bryston 7B-ST
Ozfly: A friend of mine has the 7Bs and started with the BP - 25 and after several different go rounds ended up with the Lamm L1. Its been in his system for about a year - thats a record I think. The Lamm is tubed and he says (and I hear it) that ... 
Budget system recommendations
Maxcast: I am not affiliated with this guy but he has some nice systems packaged together and he has been very prompt in responding to my inquiries. His web site is www.audioshop.on.ca. Remember the prices are in Canadian dollars so deduct 1/3 for... 
where to buy grado headphones?
Thank you Paulwp. I did in fact want leads on good dealers. Thank you for your comments. I have heard a friends' HD 600s but cannot justify the price - I'd rather buy new cables. As far as dealers go they all want $150 (Cdn) which, with taxes is a... 
Which cables for B W N803 s and Bryston7
Bryston makes cables and sell its own brand of spades, they're on the web maybe you should contact them.