
Responses from winoguy17

SS against Tube Preamp
Elizabeth makes good points. I had tube pre's for 20 years. Last year I went SS. Different? Yes. Better/ worse? Yes. There are things I loved about tubes,and things I feel the SS is better at. If you buy a quality piece of either you should be hap... 
whole house surge protector?
who sells the EP 2050? 
Funk Essentials - Under The Radar
Neville Brothers: Live From Planet Earth, funk that will shake your house... 
Dali Helicon 800 or Acoust Zen Adagio in this room
I have Dali Euphonia ms4's in a 14 x 21 room. The bass is clean ,fast and tight. Never boomy. They are about 18 inches off the back wall. Plus the Dalis are beautiful! 
New Tom Petty
Bill, glad you feel that strong. I love Neil,gonna buy it right after Christmas. 
New Tom Petty
Does anyone really take the Grammy's seriously? 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
Well said Mr. T. 
Bah Humbug-Bad Christmas Music
Should be " OF " not "O" 
Bah Humbug-Bad Christmas Music
Try to find " Star O Wonder " by Tingstad and Rumbel. Beautiful,interesting renditions and audiophile sound. 
Do you listen alone or with guest s
What Rudolphls said... 
Stoned Plinth
Metralla, looks beautiful. What does something like that cost, and where did you get it? ( if you ddont mind my asking...) 
Home wiring
Most thermostats I know of are low voltage,havent seen one that runs at 110v. 
Home wiring
Thermostat? To what? 
Music you like but rarely listen
Home wiring
The same line as the fridge, AC and heater? Wow, you should make that change. Way too much crap on one circuit.