
Responses from winoguy17

FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
^^^^^^ Yup. 
YOU MUST audition Kerr Acoustic Speakers
 Joined last month, 2 posts about Kerr, sounds like shill to me. 
The Weekend
Style over substance. Reasons why they spend millions on lasers and fireworks, because the music sucks... 
Sonus Faber speaker boxes worth $1200 ?
 Could he possibly mean "cabinets "? 
Suggestions for New CD Player
 Good luck, hope you end up happy. 
Suggestions for New CD Player
 Sorry to hear this, as I had this piece in my system for a week and was really impressed with it.  ( I bought it for a friend )   I can't speak to their customer service, but I don't recall anything odd about the plug receptacle, I recall pluggin... 
Focal Sopra 2
I recently added the IsoAcoustics Gaia ll to my Electra 1038s and cannot believe the improvement! Game changer on this speaker.... 
Artists you feel you can rely on, buy any new album unheard.
 The Wood Brothers 
Speaker cables for Focal 1038 Be?
 I switched to Cerious Technology Graphene Extreme from some Morrow cable and am very happy with results. I would avoid silver. Best thing I did for these speakers was recently added Iso Acoustics  Gaia feet. Wow!! Huge improvement. Bigger than a ... 
Easy on the eyes. Easy on the ears. Faouzia
I expected more from my speakers (not high end)
 Might want to ditch the blu ray player and get a dedicated CD player also. Video disc players not really optimized for audio. 
6000 dollars CD player
 Why would someone who's main preference is classical not want an sacd player? 
Suggestions for New CD Player
Love to hear what you think of it... 
Suggestions for New CD Player 
Looking for a CD player
^^^^ I second the Denon.