
Responses from winoguy17

Solid state to tube
 Modwright customer service is excellent. Congrats on your new pre.Enjoy  
Solid state to tube
please post back with your thoughts. good luck  
Where to buy vinyl?
 Music Direct Elusive Disc Acoustic Sounds  
Solid state to tube
ecpninja:     my system is listed here. Im a Modwright fan. In all my years Ive changed pre amps more than any other component. Going back Ive had Denon, Macintosh Conrad Johnson, Rogue, Marantz .... Years back I went to a SS Marantz Reference pre... 
Solid state to tube
^^^   Glad to hear!  
Solid state to tube
Start with tube pre and SS amp. It will give you an idea of what the tube sound is about without the maintenance and hassle of power tubes. You can go forward from there  
In praise of the duet.
 Wood Brothers,  " The Muse "  
CD player suggestions...
Nice sounding, built like a tank  
Active Speakers Better? No, per Michael Borresen
 I wasn't aware of this   ":His statement flies in the face of what passes in most audio corners as commonly recognized facts.   "   
Focal Stella
Contact Focal and ask if this guy is authorized to sell and what warranty you may or may not have.....  
Most underrated female recording artists..
no love for Yoko?  
Focal Sopra No 3 vs Goldenear Triton One.R
1038 owner, love them, but make sure you have an amp that can drive them, they need juice.  
My Amp periodically cuts out speakers until it warms up
Amp is prolly 40 years old, good chance it might need new caps. Cant say whether or not it would be worth the investment...  
LP stores in Portland, Maine
 there is a Bullmoose in Brunswick. Great store, not sure about Portland