
Responses from williewonka

Household Surge Protectors - Good or Bad?
@jea48  - Now I understand - thanks for persevering.Cheers 
Household Surge Protectors - Good or Bad?
Again, thanks for the input.I think I did not explain myself properly...- I did not make any changes the bonding points of the neutral and ground in the breaker panel.- I simply took a wire from the "neutral side" of the inputs on the amp and grou... 
"Greenfield" flex conduit for DIY power strip?
I'm not sure as to the "Why's", but anytime a cables is encased - even if expandable nylon sleeve is used - it impacts sound quality. However,  on rethinking your specific application - since this is simply an "extension cable", into which the fin... 
"Greenfield" flex conduit for DIY power strip?
That is a similar approach to my own setup - I have a single dual-outlet with a 10 ft extension cord. The outside box is aluminum and grounded.I use my own Helix power cable design to eliminate cable noisehttp://image99.net/blog/files/category-002... 
Rega Planar 3 upgrades help.
@mountainsong - here is my revamped Regar Planar II from 1981http://image99.net/blog/files/category-turntable-mod0027s.htmlIt sounds amazing and I would not change it - the uprgades were edcational and gave me greater understanding of the issues a... 
Household Surge Protectors - Good or Bad?
Thanks guys - the surge protector that is installed has an LED idicating it is operational. If there is an issue the LED goes out. There is no way to turn it off..I'm pretty sure there is an issue with the neutral or ground conenctions, so I will ... 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
@sfcfran -  you have reached the same conclusion I have also come to.If you need two runs then use 2 runs of 12/2 and NOT 1 run of 12/3.- there is just too much noise in a 12/3.BTW - I tried an experiment with mains cables - turns out - as long ... 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
@sfcfran -  Well last evening I installed the "revised" helix speaker cables with the helix being wound in the opposite direction and it appears that as indicated on my web site - it made a discernable improvements - across the board.So if you a... 
What speakers work well against a wall
@scottwsmith - as a general "rule of thumb"  you could use any speaker that has either1. a completely sealed enclosure2. a bass port located in the front of the enclosureOf course this is not definitive, but as a "guideline" it eliminates rear por... 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
@sfcfran - here is the update to the helix design - got it done today.Just waiting on some feedback from Yordan on his findings, but other than that it is completehttp://image99.net/blog/files/b4d5249616a56bdabfd28b5580db6cec-79.htmlAs for the f... 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
@sfcfran -  I recall bumping into a discussion on that quite some time ago You are correct - I added the Power Helix design in 2015 and made a couple of refeences to it elsewhere on the forums here at that timeI have been promoting more actively... 
How Long Should One Wait Before Switching When A/B ing
@zyac39 Having performed several auditions, mainly of cables/connectors, the one thing that makes A-B ing very difficult is the fact that the connectors on cables need to "seat" (or settle) before providing their best perofrmance- The settle time ... 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
@sfcfran If by DIY you actually mean attach plugs onto a piece of bulk power cable - then I agree with @elizabeth - there are many choices from cable vendors that will retain resale value and perofrm betterHowever, if you are willing to take DIY t... 
SOTA vs VPI (or stick with my Rega?)
@gritter2 - having gone down the road you are considering here is a link to all of the mods I completed on my Rega Planar IIhttp://image99.net/blog/files/category-turntable-mod0027s.htmlBasically - I have replaced EVERYTHING! - the only thing left... 
Does anything better Jelco arm ~$1000
@sbank - re...So does anybody else have a suggestion besides those already mentioned?Take a look at this one...http://www.michell-engineering.co.uk/tonearms/I do not believe the Michell is the same league as the Audiomods, but it is much better th...