
Responses from williewonka

What sonic characteristics matter the most?
For me, the most important aspect of a system is in its ability to reproduce extremely fine Micro Details e.g. those details that convey… - the extremely fine venue acoustics and reverberations - the subtle timbres of an acoustic instrument- the s... 
Toto Tungsten Speaker Cables by Bogdan
@spatialking - after giving it some more thought ...I know many people dislike the sound of silver - they feel it is too bright, sometimes harsh, as they say - less "musical"- personally I prefer silver coated stranded copper wire in my cables- I ... 
Duelund RCA interconnects...opinions
@lordcloud - what brand of Balanced Cables are you referring to?@grannyring - thanks for the update - I also use 24 gauge on the signal and 16 guage on the neutral of my DIY cables. The sound was so much better and noise floor lower using the heav... 
Upgrade Suggestions for Rega P2
And from the MC side of the fence- I opted to go the Moving coil route after several MM carts failed to impress.I could not believe the improvements my $229 Denon DL103, with a sherical stlus, using a Cambridge Audio phono stage achieved over the ... 
Upgrade Suggestions for Rega P2
@uncrocco - here’s a list of all my uprgades to a Rega Planar 2 (30+ years old)http://image99.net/blog/files/04fdba8476cfd21bdd7a5fdf38c8cdf5-28.htmlBest bang for the buck...- Acrylic Platter + Damping ring- ISOsub GT 2 S UPGRADE SUB PLATTERThese ... 
Toto Tungsten Speaker Cables by Bogdan
Tungston?  It's Interesting as to why anyone would use a material that has such a poor conductivity rating i.e. compared to copper or silver, to make cables.I would have thought dynamic performance and detail would be a couple of the most desirabl... 
Duelund RCA interconnects...opinions
@grannyring - have you ever tried using 24 gauge for the signal and 16 gauge for the neutral on your IC's? Or do you use 16 gauge for both?Using different gauges for signal and neutral seems to be a trend these days.Just curious - Steve 
Best YOUTUBE video showing how to make an RCA Interconnect?
Another source if you live in a country they ship to is Take Five Audio - e.g. they do not ship to eastern europe - so check with them firsthttps://www.takefiveaudio.com/I buy most all of my DIY materials from them. A lot of theri products are cry... 
Best DIY power cable. Why not make?
Todd - they are in the process of re-sourcing that gauge wire.However - they do have some stocks left of the previous wire, but in order to purchase it you have to send them an email and they will setup a manual orderHere is the email they sent to... 
Best DIY power cable. Why not make?
Todd - the Cardas solder is as good as any I mentioned - it will perform well.BTW: I have been using eutectic solder for the past few months and now prefer it to the silver solder because it hardens quicker, which I think makes for a better joint.... 
Best DIY power cable. Why not make?
@toddrhodes - the spades I use are nothing special - just plated copperYou can get them from Radio Shack (or similar stores) - I also get them from stores that sell car parts - 10-12 gauge should do nicely.Try this placehttps://www.google.ca/url?s... 
A Better Bluesound AC Cable?
@gdnrbob RE:...I put an AQ power cable (forgot which model) in the Node. Heard absolutely nothing different.What Interconnects are you using?If the IC's are not capable of ultra-high resolution audio you will not hear Power Cable improvements.Also... 
A Better Bluesound AC Cable?
I replace all of my stock power cables and improved the sound on every componentsI use the following...http://image99.net/blog/files/category-002ahelix-power-cable.html- But with the C7 connectorThe improvements were very noticeable and even bette... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Gershman Acoustics GAP - unfortunately they are no longer made, but second hand can be had for around $7k-$8k in pristine condition.Stunning to look at and listen to and completely transparent.I have the Sonograms and sound wise they are exception... 
Is this the end of HEA?
From what I have observed of friends and neighbours...- sound quality of new hardware is much better and more affordable than it was just a few years ago (Bluesound, Sonos etc...) and they are happy- convenience is a huge factor to most people - e...