
Responses from williewonka

Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@ketchup - you should hear improved clarity and details, which also improves imaging. Play a live recording and listen for the little echoes and reverberations create within the venue You should also notice a more accurate and expansive image ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@ketchup - for the coil - as the previous picture you had posted Regards  
How accurate are cable descriptions for your system?
@hilde45 - the answer to your question really is - you get what you pay for ! $100 cables are generally mediocre performers because they may be built using bulk cable that may not really suited to Audiophile use, i.e.  no advanced cable ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@ketchup - I was thinkging about the double shotgun approach...where you have a Live conductor consisting of two wires twisted together in a right hand twist one complete twist every inch you have a neutral conductor ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@ketchup RE:  What direction should the hot pairs be twisted and what direction should the grounds be twisted around them? I agree with the answer @mbolek provided. I would say that the positive/line conductor should be twisted in the opposi... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@mbolek RE:  I have tried many cables with this orientation and really never could tell a difference. Not sure what you mean by "this orientation" are your referring to the rwo stranded live and neutral wires or the bare wire inside teflon... 
High current power cables
@deludedaudiophile - There are dozens of sites that all say Solid wire is capable of carrying higher current E.G. From this link... Stranded Wire vs Solid Wire. Which One is Best and Why? (electricaltechnology.org) Advantages of Solid  Wire ... 
What I have found - Makes a good Cable !
Just an FYI - RE: Stranded vs. Solid wires for those who are wondering about the merits of solid vs. stranded wires - here is a table showing the current carrying capacities of solid and several stranded wires of the same gauge AWG - American ... 
High current power cables
@deludedaudiophile - actually my Helix DIY Cables perform extremely well and has been prefered by many people to some of the best commercial cables available, so they will not be going to the car just yet - but thanks for the tip Just for your fu... 
High current power cables
@deludedaudiophile - re: Stranded wire same gauge as solid is typically within 5% of the equivalent solid gauge. The don’t have the same exact diameter. 5% is not going to make a difference in sound. I’m not talking about the difference in dia... 
High current power cables
@deludedaudiophile.   All I can say is that after making hundredas of cables over a 14 year period - each time investigating each of the attributes listed in my previous post and verifying improvements through painstaking observation. - I stand ... 
High current power cables
@blue_collar_audio_guy - There are a few things that govern the abilities of power cables wire gauge thicker the wire the more current it can carry structure of the wire - i.e. solid vs. stranded solid wires can handle a lot more c... 
What size power cable?
@lloydc - It’s not really the gauge that dictates how well a power cables performs on any specific components, but the type of copper, the gauge and type of the wire, the insulation and the cable geometry. As an example, my DIY Source Power cable... 
New Digital analog?
Reminds me of the old Laser disk - that lasted all of five minutes I won't be daopting it Streaming tecnology will improve as computers get faster and bandwidth improves. Regards - Steve  
What I have found - Makes a good Cable !
@mbolek - How many folks actually remember corded phones.... Corded phones were a real hassle But how about the rotary dial phone that was the reason for 911 the UK adopted 999 and it took forever to dial it. I can remember my Dad's firs...