
Responses from williewonka

Best cheap speaker cables............again
Take a look at Signal Cable - Silver Resolution - 10 GaugeSpecial pricing $309 for 8 ft pair terminated with Bananas or spadesOther members report very good things on some of their other products i.e. interconnects and power cablesI'm waiting for ... 
Something doesn't seem right about this...
Bruce - just looked at the Sain - that's a little outside my snack bracket :-) BTW - Could you explain "plaid" priced pleaseCurrently I'm using DIY Furutech 10 gauge to the amp and 13 gauge Furutech on the source components - all with silver-plate... 
Something doesn't seem right about this...
OK Bruce - just took a look at your system and based on those components, upgrading speaker cables may well reveal details currently unheard.But - If it were me I would probably opt for a different brand. Here's my thinking - you are already using... 
Something doesn't seem right about this...
Bruce - re: your cable specs and are they suited to your amp and will moving up the Kimber ladder be beneficial...I did try Kimber 4PR and 4TC speaker cable for a DIY project and the 4TC was the better performer in that instance with those compone... 
Something doesn't seem right about this...
All, as always you are correct - it was for 2.5 meters - my mistakeI did look a couple of times, because I thought it was high, but missed the cable lengthThanks for spotting that. 
Shipping from Canada
Ebm - you don't know what you are missing out on...- Gershman Acoustics- Simaudio Moon - Bryston- Maple syrup- poutineTo name but a few things :-) 
OSX CD ripping codec
From the web..."AIFF will play on virtually anything, Apple Lossless is limited to Apple players"Don't know how true that is, but my track record with playing music via Apple products falls far short or "stellar"Personally, I convert WAV to AIFF t... 
Something doesn't seem right about this...
Bifwynne - Judging by the number of people reporting great sound from Kimber Kable I would say there are many...e.g. Kimber 12 TC is rated at 1400pF/ftVan Den Hul D-352 is rated at 32.5pf/meterI think Naim cable is around 22 pF/meterI believe the ... 
Something doesn't seem right about this...
High capacitance speaker cable can have an impact on your amplifier e.g. Naim amps do not like high capacitance speaker cables.It really depends on the design of your amp. 
Timestep T-01MC - anyone using one of these?
Settled on the Simaudio Moon LP5.3RSLittle more $, but superb config and excellent sound.Optional power supply upgrade that seems to have lots of promiseRegards 
Turn table speed variation question
Thanks everyone for the input - I now have a very good understanding of possible causes - never thought about the off-centre hole - good one :-) I had always thought it was due to the tape ,machine used in the recording process.I can see how the p... 
Silver cables
I purchased Stagger Silver Solids and am very happy with them -$150 for a one meter pair - just Google themVery transparant with no harshness - just glorious deep bass and amazing detailThere is also Signal Cable that use a silver/copper alloy at ... 
SIlver Resolution Power Cable - by Signal Cable
BTW there is "special pricing" on this model right now and there is a little backlog - shipping date on my cable, ordered yesterday, is 30 Dec, 2013.So they seem to be getting pretty popular.Regards... 
SIlver Resolution Power Cable - by Signal Cable
Syntax - know what you mean - but I'm a convert so you'll get no grief from me :-) Thanks for the detailed response - now I know what you were using I have a much better idea of the capability of the Signal Power Cables.Currently I'm using silver ... 
SIlver Resolution Power Cable - by Signal Cable
Syntax - not really worried, just trying to figure out if there would be any benefit over the Furutech cables I currently own.I own silver I terconnects and love the detail - figured a silver alloy power cord is the next step up from copper withou...