
Responses from whknopp0713

Vandy Owner needs help
Try the Alon Petite. It fits all your criteria, and has that same sweet rightness that the 2ce has, but with better resolution and a more extended top end. The Petite will have less bass warmth but better articulation and phenominal imaging. I own... 
Best budget floorstander match: HELP MEEEEE .....
I would look for a warm sounding speaker to take the edge off. Your room seems fairly reflective and the tunes fairly gritty. Monitors could be good. Check out NHT, too. The 2.5 is very musical. Vandersteen 1C is also a good choice. 
Improving bass response
Power line conditioning will definitely help. Maybe a lot. I like Tice, but there are several good ones out there. Power cords can also help bass response, but not as dramatically, in my experience. I would try a Tice Solo on the front end and a J... 
Speaker recommendations for 2,500 or less?
A question like this is too hard to answer without knowing the kind of music you like best and the room where you listen to it. At 2,500, you can't have it all. Tradeoffs are the reality almost all of us live with, so you've got to choose the stre... 
Wall Mounted turntable stand: suggestions please?
I have just been through this, although I ended up not buying a shelf. The best looking prospect was the Mana Acoustics Reference Shelf (see flatearthaudio.com), which has an ardent following in England and is part of an elaborate isolation "syste... 
What do you know about Sim Audio amps?
I also think Sim amps are great. Their authority, speed and dynamics should make them a good HT choice. I would also check out the Theta Dreadnaught, which was recommended to me by a reliable dealer who also carries Sim, but I was in his store bef... 
Linn Ikemi or Nu-vista 3d to replace a Linn Genki?
I also suggest that you audition the Meridian 508. I have a lot of Linn gear, including a Karik, and I was seduced by the 508. 
Smoking and Electrostatic Speakers?
Smoking is bad for everyone and everything, except tobacco companies (and I'm not sure about them, either). ESL's will attract any airborne particles, including smoke, and so far as I know there is no safe and effective way to clean them. I once h... 
Help - amplifier matching problems
I think Sean has a legitimate point, but makes too much of it. Commercial affiliations should be disclosed, but it is also true that every one of us has biases and makes recommendations based on what we prefer. I assume that one of the primary rea... 
Call me very, very lucky
Now put on some Al Green and break in that couch! 
Sim Audio P-3 preamp comments???
I never heard either, but I have the P-5003, which was the older Celeste line equivalent of the P-3. That is, it was the same as the more expensive top of the line P-5002, but without the outboard power supply. The factory told me (I have no local... 
Sim Audio P-3 preamp comments???
I never heard either, but I have the P-5003, which was the older Celeste line equivalent of the P-3. That is, it was the same as the more expensive top of the line P-5002, but without the outboard power supply. The factory told me (I have no local... 
CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?
My experience with Classe is having heard several amps over several years in several auditions of other components, and once when considering an amp purchase. I have felt like it was very hard to generalize about them. Different models have varied... 
Upgrade for Linn Classik
I would keep the Classik and upgrade the Tukans. You'll get more improvement for less money. The Classik is a great piece of equipment and you have to spend a lot of money to improve its performance. The Tukans are nice little speakers, but not as... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
We're guilty of projection. Most of us are into gear as a means to the end of hearing moving, exhilirating music, on demand, in our homes (I actually believe this). We also tend to think that others want, or would want, the same experience. But th...