
Responses from whknopp0713

equipment interface to rack tweaks
Hey Tom, where does one find threaded brass rods to replace the steel ones on a Justarack? 
How do you troubleshoot a pair of Aerial 10Ts?
You will hear Piezo's point a lot. Few things in audio are better-settled than the 10T's need for tons of power. A dealer told me that he thought the Levinson 33's were not enough. That may be an overstatement, but if your room is big enough for t... 
Genesis Technologies report on black CDR's
You mean, like, Rush Limbaugh wrote a review of Aretha Franklin? Hey, just because a guy writes a white paper on black cd's, that does not make him a racist. 
Power Conditioners vs. Power Cables
I'm looking forward today to testing the premise that a foot of snow will act as a resonance damper on the power lines and increase the inky blackness between notes. But to the topic: It seems to make the most sense to build up in price. Dedicated... 
Speaker Stands for Dunlavy SC-1A/V
Sound Anchor's are very good stands at reasonable prices, and you can customize them to your speaker for height and and platform size. The people there were a pleasure to deal with, too. Try Audiopoints between the speaker and the stand and also t... 
Help Reform another Clueless Yuppie
Definitely propose. Then go Linn, Linn, Linn. It's discreet, bulletproof, sounds great, never fatigues, looks good and has a great remote system. And it can be done reasonably. Use the LK series amps, a Wakonda preamp and whatever speakers she lik... 
Panels to treat a vaulted ceiling?
You might try RPG Skylines. They can even be (spray) painted to match the ceiling. I don't have them on the ceiling, but I liked their effect behind my listening position. I also found that RoomTunes corner diffusers are an inexpensive improvement... 
This Sistrum stuff works
Trial and error. I have no opinion about the physics of it. In fact, physics is inscrutible to me, and consequently bores me to tears. I have used Audiopoints for years, but in various combinations. They always improve cd players, but they were no... 
Upgrade LP 12 or...
The Troika rebuild is a great deal. And a used Lingo is too, since they have a nuclear half life. You might need a dealer to install it, though. You're even more in the Church of Linn than I am (anything better than a twin climax? Sorry, meant Kli... 
Proac owners......advice please
These are all good responses. You may find that serious room treatment is what you need. ASC products are not cheap, but they were worth every nickel to me and my room boom problem. There are also some DIY knockoffs if you're inclined that way. I ... 
This Sistrum stuff works
Here's the home page for sistrum and audiopoints and harmonic precision.http://www.audiopoints.com/index.htm 
Question for LP-12 owners
The only Linn upgrade that has a reputation for compromising PRAT is the Trampolin. Can't vouch for the mods sold by Extreme Phono, but if you stay with Linn itself, the upgrades are all good. Some are expensive, for sure, but I started with a bas... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Jimmy Page. Not as many notes-per-second as a lot of other guys, but he absolutely channels the muse through that thing. Even slower and just as emotive is David Gilmore. 
What's under YOUR CD player?
I have a Karik III and I use Audiopoints brass cones between the player and a Michael Green rack. I found the pneumatic platforms (Townshend and Brightstar) and Vibrapods slowed the pacing and bass, although they are smooth-sounding. Audiopoints o... 
Best spkrs for rock: Dunlavy V-Watt/Puppy-Revel??
As Jeff certainly knows, it is not a waste of time or money to build up an audiophile system and then play rock music on it. It is just elitist tripe to say that there is nothing to be heard in rock music played on top notch gear that can't be hea...