
Responses from whitestix

CHINESE tubes?
I recently got a pair of the Treasure C181's for my Don Sachs custom octal-tube based preamp and they are an improvement over all the 50's and 60's NOS 6SL7's I have been using.  They are ultra detailed against a black background.  I don't know ab... 
Tube integrated amp under $1000
I am a big fan of the new Jolida gear.  I have an old Jolida tube DAC and it is as good as the new Schiit DAC to which I compared it.  Jolida's work on high end gear has trickled down to their lower-end gear.  Musical Paradise has a well-reviewed ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Gents,At the risk of being the denier of Oregonpapa’s experiential views on all things fuse and power cord-related, my experience has been quite different. The Red Fuse provided no sonic improvement in my system, none at least that could discern. ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hi,The link you posted is informative, but you missed the fact that I am Irish, cursed that I am.  Listening to music in a sober state of mind is not something we Irish do.  Others must choose what is best for them.  Cheers, Whitestix 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Geoff,I am all Irish so I might just take you up on this idea, as I still have a collection of two dozen bottles.  I am down with inexpensive tweaks!   
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I am happy to weigh in on this lengthy thread. I swapped the Red for the fuse in my tube preamp and listened to it for a week. Then I swapped back the standard fuse, which turned out to be a Hifi Tuning fuse. Then I did an A/B comparison for a whi... 
ELAC Debut B6 speakers
To the questions above, I am using a Music Fidelity M3i int. amp and Neotech cables with the speakers. The music was streamed from Spotify via a Mass Fidelity Relay BT device. Yesterday., I listened to a lot of Angus Stone and Cowboy Junkies. lots... 
Alternatives to Mass Fidelity Relay?
Thanks for the information, very much appreciated. Mark 
Conrad-Johnson PV-14 vs Belles 21a with Auricaps
I had earlier versions for your preamp and liked them for the reasons you like yours. The CJ tube preamps present a big "liquid wall of sound", so to speak. However, with my Belles 22a, I felt like I had a lot more speed and accuracy in my system,... 
Belles Stock 12AU7 tubes
Hi there. I recently had a Belles 22a and rolled a bunch of tubes through it. At the top of the list of tubes I liked was the Radio Techniques sold by Upscale Audio. It is very extended both in the lower and high frequencies. Next was NOS Siemen's... 
Review: Green Mountain Audio EOS HD Monitor
I had a pair of EOS HD speaker and thought they were among the best stand-mounted speakers I ever heard at their price point. The WAF is not very high, just to be clear. Ergonomically, they didn't work in my new listening room as I need speakers t... 
Von Schweikert VR 22
I have had a lot of a speakers in and out of my system in the last several years, but opted for the VR-22's after the Newport Beach show in June. Unimpressive out the box, like many new speakers, they have over time broken in nicely and are absolu... 
I have had the LS50's for about a month, powered by a Modwright KWA 100 SE and Klyne preamp and I am just blown away with them. The are articulate and detailed and image very well. Vocals are just pristine, without a hint of sibilance. I have a RE... 
Best integrated amp up to $6000?
The best I have heard was the Hegel 300 at RMAF last fall for about $5500. It included a fine DAC. I was blown away by the speed and liquidity of the unit. Simply fabulous, well worth considering.Mark 
Best integrated amp up to $6000?
The best I have heard was the Hegel 300 at RMAF last fall for about $5500. It included a fine DAC. I was blown away by the speed and liquidity of the unit. Simply fabulous, well worth considering.Mark