
Responses from whitestix

Questioning the need for a DAC
Willie,I respect your methodical approach to listening for nuances and details regarding cabling, but that isn't the way I roll.  I have a stressful career in which I have to remain focused on every detail, and the last thing I care to do is have ... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Thanks to all who provided their views on this issue.  I used Morrow IC's all the way around in my system and with or without the CIA DAC and external power supply in the loop, the sound from my Oppo was indistinguisable.  Same same, no difference... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Good point, Aux, I might have to swap some IC's around to make an apples-to-apples comparison.   
Questioning the need for a DAC
I did a A/B test with the CIA DAC/power supply vs. straight in from the Oppo (it was just twist of the selector knob on the preamp) and honestly I didn't find any noticeable difference in sound in a 100+ comparisons with lots of different music.  ... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
My final post, lads. I had some pals over today whose ears I trust, much younger than me,  all with a mortgage-load of audio gear.  It was easy to switch between the Oppo 103 straight-in to the Don Sach's preamp vs. run through the Channel Islands... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
I happen to think that the Oppo gear is really quite good and the 103D, with a bit of mods or even stock, is just very good.  Oppo gear seems to be like Schiit gear, everybody likes it.  It is grand that here are lots of $500-$1000 CD players arou... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Spenser,I reckon you are correct about my experience with the Gungnir.  With a few hours on the Channel Islands DAC, I sense I am hearing more detail and clarity than without it.   Very happy with this little gem and power supply.  Mark 
Questioning the need for a DAC
By gosh, I got the CIA DAC hooked up in a flash and my initial impression, listening to a great Peter Beets CD and the venerable Getz/Gilberto CD in the last hour, I sense that I am hearing a degree of clarity and detail that I did't with the Oppo... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Gents,I a guess a few folks agree that the Oppo is pretty good kit, me included, probably with younger and better ears than I have.  I used a Toslink connection when I demo'd the Gungnir, no USB.  BTW, with my Jolida FX DAC, I noticed no differenc... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Hey Randy, I did miss you point about CD's... it was just one particular CD you didn't like.  I share the same views on vinyl, my friend.  I will report back on the usefulness of the CIA DAC.  Cheers, Markptss,Thanks for the information.  I have u... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Hi Randy,Sorry if I misunderstand you comments.  I thought your post and my response was pretty straight forward.  What did I miss? 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Hi Randy, My test of the addition of the Schiit Gungir to my system was rather straightforward.  I played the Oppo straight into my preamp and then inserted the Schiit into the system.  My preamp is a Don Sachs 6SN7-based preamp and an upgraded CJ... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
We audiophiles are all on a question of sonic improvement, me being no exception.  As Jond rightfully observes, I am at a great place to be with my system, more so that I have been in many years.  Still, not to belabor the point, I am intrigued wi... 
help me with a DAC decision please
The Schiit gear gets uniformly great reviews, but I must ask why you sense a need to get a new DAC?  Wadia gear is tip-top.  I sure hope you have a chance to audition before you buy because is is very possible that any replacement for your Wadia w... 
Questioning the need for a DAC
Hello,The mods to my Oppo were done my Stereo Dave's Audio in Portland and involved some propriety changes to the power supply and DAC.  They cost $375 and were a significant improvement.  My room has two layers of sheetrock with Green Glue in bet...