

Responses from whart

Quad Listener Contemplating Horns
I'm not going to wade into the series/parallel discussion on the Quads. But I would like to come back to the Golden-Ear's question, which is a fair one. I am making the assumption only because I know the characteristic sound of the Quads, which is... 
Quad Listener Contemplating Horns
Thanks for clarifying, Lacee. Sorry for my ignorance. 
Quad Listener Contemplating Horns
Man, I am so happy I started this thread. You guys are bringing back memories. A-7s. Tannoys! Love Lacee's response, but which is it, parallel or series? (Somebody on this site is offering a double pair of Quads with the original Levinson frames t... 
Quad Listener Contemplating Horns
Yep, I've thought about bigger panels, but that isn't necessarily cost-effective either, is it?I remember years ago listening to a Monster-sized Martin Logan, playing through big Jadis tube amps, at a shop on the Il St. Louis. The image was dispro... 
Quad Listener Contemplating Horns
Albert- I will reach out to Fred. Thanks for the tip. Your system doesn't look to shabby either.There is obviously a point of diminishing returns with all this stuff- I guess I lost interest 9 or so years ago, and that wasn't the first time I was ... 
Adapting Oversized Spades W/o Reterminating
Hear ya. Using the 4ohm taps off the Classic 60, and the Quads don't give me more than an 1/8 in. clearance between the spades either- (already stuck some electrical tape between the contacts on the speakers for just that reason).So, I'm digging o... 
Adapting Oversized Spades W/o Reterminating
Bingo! Thank you both. You made me feel less dumb for asking by your answers. I'm sure i'll be frequenting this place more- is there a general chat section that is not specific to one type of equipment, where the hardcore types here hang out?