

Responses from whart

Building a stereo room and ran into some problems, help!
gorgeous rooms, goose.  
Building a stereo room and ran into some problems, help!
Mass loaded vinyl is a very sound proofing material, but: it is expensive and it isn't that easy to handle. You don't need two layers of drywall, or for that matter any green glue to make it work. Think of it as lead sheeting in the form of thin v... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
I will talk with Vlad and look at the Avantgarde manual re the internal ground settings that are user adjustable. My bet is that’s where the issue is coming from. Thank you all. I’ll continue to follow this thread, not for my issue as such, but fo... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
@lewm thanks. I do believe there is something already wired into the connection between the circuit ground and the chassis/main AC ground receptacle inside the amps, but I don’t feel comfortable messing with it. I will continue to investigate, per... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
Thanks, Ralph. I know it is grounded now, but will hum unless I lift the ground. I do have a decent meter and will poke around without opening up the units.  
Record Cleaning Mystery
@swampwalker’s theory is as good as any. Here’s another: you’re record cleaning process has succeeded in loosening stuff on your records through fluids, brushing and you’ve vac dried them, but there’s still contaminants on the record. I’ve had thi... 
Oswaldsmillaudio, ever heard of it.
ebm- I'm transitioning.  
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
I’m fascinated by this subject but have not thrown money at it. I messed around with star grounding in the past, did have one of those cheapy Granite Audio boxes that, to my understanding, was like star grounding everything at one place, but gave ... 
Would anyone be interested in a timeshare on an Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner Pro?
Norb- my suspicion is the audio clubs, such as they are--there seems to be a resurgence of them now-- are the most likely places to find the flatteners and expensive cleaning machines as a part of a group buy. 
Would anyone be interested in a timeshare on an Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner Pro?
I have a suggestion, having owned both the AD and the KL along with a big Monks:a DIY using an ultrasonic bath that permits you to control heat and use a surfactant, plus one of those record rotisseries (I think the preferred one for little money ... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
@audioconnection : I take your point. Believe it or not, I do not own a CD player. Oh, I’ve had many over the years, just gave them all away before I moved. I was thinking about buying a pretty good one for the vintage system downstairs, so it’s n... 
Oswaldsmillaudio, ever heard of it.
He had (probably still does) an old stone building/"mill" in Pa. which is, I think, the work shop studio for some stuff, though I believe that the horn makers he uses are third party, probably some other stuff built to his spec and aesthetic. Ther... 
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
@almarg -Wow.  
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
There was a tube integrated by VAC (which I’ve never owned) about 10 or more years ago that was absolutely gorgeous, glass front. I think he did these at a loss, and they are hard to find today, not cheap.PS: looked it up, it was the Phi Beta 110 ... 
Looking for vintage system suggestions (maranta, klipsch, etc...)
Raw (or Chuck): I think you’ll ultimately be better off with the simplest of old school components long term. I really liked yakbob’s suggestion for a couple of reasons- the 7T was derided in its day compared to the earlier (and far more desirable...