

Responses from wharfy

A reasonably priced DAC upgrade from Schiit Gumby
@simao  Not sure what your budget is. Have you looked into a Musetec-lks-da005? https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/musetec-lks-mh-da005-dac/post?postid=2320113  
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@ja_kub_sz  Thanks for the comparisons. I'm auditioning the TEAC next week. It will be fun to compare listening notes. The balanced and detailed presentation of the TEAC is something I find appealing. I have a question-why did you get the CG-10 C... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@charles1dad  @facten  Thanks for the timely and common sense advice. I called the dealer from whom I purchased my CD Boxes. His advised against because there is still too high failure rate. He won't be taking orders for it in the foreseeable fu... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
FYI-I received one more response from Pro-Ject. "If it stopped reading all CDs the problem was probably the switch that is pressed when you close the lid. While this switch is mechanically speaking the same as always, there were some improvements... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
FYI-I received an email reply from Pro-Ject 😀 They asked for the serial number of my CD Box, indicating there were "historical problems" with certain units before "the updates."  We shall see..... At the moment, I am really enjoying the ARC CD6SE... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
Just an FYI follow-up to my previous follow-up-  On Monday, I responded to Pro-Ject support with the following question: "With the redesign, can a CD Box user now have confidence that the problems rendering the transport inoperable have now been ... 
CD Transport
@leog2015  There is a detailed write-up about the TEAC on this A'Gon discussion thread. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/resolving-cd-transports-crowd-sourcing I'm also interested in the TEAC 701T, but I haven't auditioned it because it's... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@charles1dad  This is their response. Does this mean the quality control issues have been fixed and a buyer can have confidence that the problems have been eliminated? I emailed them back and haven't gotten a response yet. BTW--I picked up a use... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
FWIW-Enjoying the ARC CD6SE loaner quite a bit. Will audition the TEAC and URD as they become available. Meanwhile, I've been sending emails to Pro-Ject's parent company, Audiotuning, asking how the CD Box re-design is going. If anyone else is in... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@jaymark - Ugh! I feel your pain. Any chance you can get refund/credit for your purchases?  
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@pindac Great comments on the two paintings--I’m of the school that you can’t see or hear what’s not there. In the case of music, if it is there you want the best resolving equipment to hear it. @charles1dad Agree about comparisons between th... 
Recommend me a DAC under 3k
@kuhyay  Under 3K are the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 ES9038 Pro x2 DAC. It has two ES9038pro chips (one per channel), and superb audiophile grade parts that achieve very high resolution with a very large soundstage. There is a lengthy thr... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@charles1dad  I did not know that Morgan and McLean collaborated. Looking into this I saw that at some point both played with Art Blakey. What do you recommend?  
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@jetter  Both you and ghdprentice raise an interesting point. To many people playing a CD is an archaic way to listen to music. There are multiple reasons. Consequently, the technology that makes the CD listening experience sublime, i.e the abili... 
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@jetter  Good question. I should check as I am considering purchasing the CD player. @ghdprentice  I can see that. The DAC on the CD 6SE is terrific. I haven't made the effort, yet, to listen to HI REZ. I have TIDAL, which has MQA. People on A'...