

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

Does listening to music increase your IQ?
Your thoughtful response is the definition of compassion.  Thank you. 
klipsh scala speakers
Klipsch LaScalas are an audio classic.  They are, quite literally, the "Hemi Cuda" of the audio industry.  If he has the physical space and isn't shy with the volume control, they could be a perfect match.Be aware, however, that the larger Klipsch... 
The Absurdity of it All
Interesting discussion.  Thanks for (almost) all of the comments.I'm going to make the point early in my comments that even with compromised hearing with age we can have a listening experience as enjoyable and engaging (if not more) as when we had... 
If you had access to a time machine, what concerts would you go back to see?
I missed a legendary rock band's epic performance in 1969.  Yes, I was there, at the venue that day.  But, I missed the performance.  The "when" and "why" I missed the performance may be more interesting than the performance itself.It was Labor Da... 
Audiophile Fuses: Helpful or "Snake Oil"?
I entered the realm "fusedom" with a fair amount of skepticism.  I finally decided break down the resistance (no pun intended) and ordered a Hifi Tuning Supreme for a power amp I had on hand.  Having (very) low expectations, I fired up the unit, p...