

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand?
@4krowme I don't get the power switch on the back, either.  Just wondering if the cueing can be "fixed" with some experimentation with dampening fluid viscosity? Cool speaker project.  Looks like you're created a point source when the speakers ar... 
Opinions before purchasing
@ghdprentice +1  
Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand?
@4krowme So, you're saying the turntable doesn't sound Schiity? @garebear Good one.  Why didn't I think of that?  And, BTW, you're the first totally positive responder to this post. 😀 Thanks to both of you for posting. Just wish I could go back... 
Did you notice....
Digital audio is like trying to draw a circle with an Etch-A-Sketch. But, we’ve been practicing a long time, and we’re getting pretty good at it.  
Opinions before purchasing
@ghdprentice The closet system checks all the boxes for the elements of an impactful, yet highly detailed system.  Wish I could have heard it. We often overlooked just how good "high end" car audio systems could sound, when done "right". Although... 
Opinions before purchasing
On the topic of small rooms: I owned an A/V operation and enjoyed offering "creative solutions." After one-too-many customers stating: "My room’s not big enough for Home Theater", we decided to take a little action. I ordered a 30" x 30" British... 
Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand?
@valinar  The intention was to inject a little humor into the forum. Your comments, and sense of humor,  are very much appreciated. John  
Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand?
@valinar  Thanks for the mild comment. I was expecting brutal rebuttals with statements like: "Who's the dumb/dip Schiit that started this thread?" That's what you were thinking? In that case, thanks for taking it easy on me.  
Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand?
@ghdprentice It appears that I may have overestimated Schiit's value as an A'Gon friendly brand.  My bad. Sometimes my inner 9-year-old wants to come out and play and the urge is very powerful.  I should do a better job of putting "him" in the co... 
Rant against the industry with hopes for discussion on positive change
Maybe I can offer some items of interest here. Back in "the day" we were unacknowledged technology enthusiasts. It just wasn’t called "technology" back then. We were the original "early adopters" anxious to gobble up the newest and greatest "tech... 
Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand?
Looks like we're oh for three in the Schiit fan club so far.  And, yes, I spelled their name incorrectly.   Attempts at humor can go either direction.   Thanks for the comments.  
What's going on with the used audio gear market?
@hilde45  Your points "d", "e" and "f" are valid points and certainly validate the intangible elements of financial transactions.   Under your "probably a bunch of other reasons" listing, items could include: - dissolution of marriage.  Just ge... 
What's going on with the used audio gear market?
Anyone who sells below market value is a) not paying attention, b) not very good at 4th grade math, or c) an advocate for the greater good, unselfishly serving humanity. Something else to consider is the replacement cost of those goods. If they a... 
Amp Internal Wire
@rickysnit  Congrats on making the correct decision. You may need plastic surgery to get the smile off your face after you make the changes and fire up your amp for the first time.  
The thing about objectivists is...
If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s not an objectivist around to measure it, does it make noise?