

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

Tim Bachman of BTO passed at 71
BTO was solid and produced many epic songs in their day. The Guess Who’s Undun rates with the best of the best rock/jazz songs of the era -- IMHO. Some threads invite colorful, lively polical conversation (What Became of Magister?). This one not ... 
Audio Research in Receivership.
A lot of moving parts here. Taking the high ground, ARC may have stood firmly by their origional mission statement and operated as such, long after "the numbers" didn’t align with those objectives. As far as Axpona is concerned, there may have be... 
All Stocked Up and Nowhere To Play
I think we may be overthinking this just a bit when we communicate the benefits of vinyl to the uninitiated.  For example, if we'd stop referring to record changers as "electro-mechanically engineeered record sequencer and retrieval systems"' and... 
Was I Expecting Too Much
@mdalton  All good points.  And as @markimiller suggests, IF this is the dealer in question, he might be an old burnt out purveyor of audio hardware that's ready to trade in his surplus gear for a golf cart. My intent is not to win (or, lose) an... 
Was I Expecting Too Much
@mdalton My point is that during the "interview process" there are certain key words that throw up a red flag and indicate that the potential customer is a "shopper" and not a good prospect. How this is framed and communicated matters. The deale... 
Was I Expecting Too Much
The first MINUTE of the interview process between potential customer and dealer is the most important.  It is during this period were it will be determined IF there is a valid reason for either party to continue pursuing their obnjectives. Key wo... 
How To Keep Cat Off Stereo Equipment?
This forum is a good way to share initmate thoughts and get to know fellow members a little better.  Sometimes that not a good thing.  Guess the cat's out of the bag?  
Interesting Power Cable Experience
@1971gto455ho  The Premium Power Cable Survey is still active for a few more days, so you can make your opinion heard. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HC8LFW6 Enjoy.  
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@calvinandhobbes  Here's the link.  Enjoy!  
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Own: Audioquest Castlerock.  Speakers internally wired with Audioquest Rocket 88. Like:  Audioquest.  Nordost.  
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
I agree that the introduction of over-the-top, outrageous (and, often ugly) "statement" pieces accompanied by their various "key talking points" can find their way to more mainstream products. I recall a very weird-looking, very expensive speaker ... 
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@calvinandhobbes  It's good to see due diligence related to subject of "premium" PCs, regardless of the outcome. Thanks for sharing your (detailed) thoughts. If you haven't taken the survey i put out there on this topic, it is still open for a ... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
Good discussion, guys. To the OP’s point, I think the answer is "yes" that high end manufacturers CAN overprice their goods. In the cost/performance metric of mere mortals (like us) the math just doesn’t work. And we feel a bit frustrated when fo... 
Was I Expecting Too Much
As a former dealer: We have to understand that the initial conversation between POTENTIAL customers and POTENTIAL dealers is an "interview" process that involves two parties, analzing the prospects of a positive outcome for each Both have the opt... 
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
@hilde45 "hyperbolic price increases" When the "market" determined that a $4 cup of coffee could actually be enthusiastically adopted when the "norm" was 99 cents -- with free refills, it may have been a good example of a game changer? It might...