
Discussions wader1971 has started

The latest TIVO Premiere?26032
Hardwire vs Powerline/bridge?21161
DVR - Is there a stand alone unit?28883
cables recommendation for Def Tech BP700248365
Need Help, Pio Elite PRO-111FD / Denon DVD-3930ci?34955
What are you using to clean plasma screen?37426
AVR - Video Processing Chip?49723
Subs for coners or built-in sub inside speakers432610
Power Cable for DENON DVD-3930ci player20783
Amp for Definitive Technology 700436055
Yamaha RX-Z7 or DENON AVR-4308ci37842
Klipsch RF62 vs Def Tech BP7004?45094
CES and T.H.E. 2009 - Is anyone going?888427
HTPC - What is it that I need?322910
TIVO HD DVR - Which cables do you recommend?27144