

Responses from vinnydabully

Ribbon midrange pros and cons
Thank you guys for all the responses. .those explanations were on the same lines as l was thinking ...l was particularly thinking of the infinity Beta ,the Epsilon and the new speakers PS Audio is working on...Paul says hes working on a 120 db. Ri... 
Im looking for an expert review of my system
The Kappa 9 speakers are connected to the 2 ohm posts on the Mac1.25kw's ....the woofer switches are set to "extended mode".....those thirsty speakers will draw the amps to clipping.......but its at extremely high volume levels..... 
Im looking for an expert review of my system
I have them plugged in directly to each 20 amp receptacle and the MC1.25kw's are plugged in also to the receptacle. ....l tried plugging the amps into the RGPC 1200'S instead of the wall.....lt was hard to distinguish if there was a difference. ..... 
Im looking for an expert review of my system
Millercarbon...your talkin my language now........thanks for those great ideas! 
Im looking for an expert review of my system
Im sorry I'm a hardware freak....l enjoy industrial design. ....l like big amps ,big speakers. ....l like huge dynamic transients. ..big listening rooms....l also like analog sound. .(not really )....to me high end audio is a whole experience betw... 
Why are you into hi end audio?
Thats true....the other day l heard some of the tracks on Zeppelin 's How the West Was Won.....was recorded super good. .....it  was like virtual reality on a good system. ...like being there at the L.A.Colusium in 1972... 
Why are you into hi end audio?
I am a car guy also...l love the classics..vintage hot rods..all of them as long as l dont take a astronomical loss after owning them. ...l guess the point im trying to make is l would rather have a set of B&W speakers in my bathroom than loos... 
Im looking for an expert review of my system
Thanks for the advice. ....My infinity kappa 9's always sounded good but they ran out of gas at a point. .....when l purchased these Mc1.25 kw amplifiers. .everything changed....my god do they put out the sound now.......its hard to describe. ...t... 
Why are you into hi end audio?
These are some really interesting answers and stories. ...keep em coming. ...l will tell you mine as short as possible. .......When l was a teenager back in the late 70's early 80's my best friends father was making the framework for Apogee speake... 
Im looking for an expert review of my system
Thanks for all your input. I do have 2 good dedicated 20 amp lines feeding the system. I plan on going to Axpona next month and looking at all the new speakers. ..The Monitor Audio PL 500 'S have me drooling but l don't want to sacrifice imaging f... 
McIntosh MC611and MC1.25KW-how do they sound compared to 601's and 1.2KW
I have had a pair of MC1000's in my main listening room for 15 years. They are flawless and sound great.I recently decided to purchase a brand new pair of MC1.25KW's .The only way to describe them is "nothing short of spectacular ".l'm using them ...