

Responses from vinnydabully

Original Sonus faber cremona auditor again?
I have one more thing to say,anyone who is planning on buying a set of Franco Serbin Accordos be prepared to own a speaker that you don't even want a fingerprint on...the bases and grill hardware are highly polished chrome like I've never seen,and... 
Original Sonus faber cremona auditor again?
I'm certainly not the level of audiophile as others in this hobby...the Accordos might be too sophisticated for me.l get a little nervous when people get near them...the original cremona auditor is plenty of SF for me....l really enjoy getting a r... 
Original Sonus faber cremona auditor again?
Right now Arnie Nudell is my hero..how do you get so smart?so I'm keeping my Kappa9 as my full range system..and yes the amplifiers need a fork truck to move..(Mc1.25kw) but l would like to read about Serbin more..these guys are the greatest minds... 
World's best small speaker?
It's all what you prefer...one popular audio reviewer said the Kef LS50 meta will go down as one of the most significant audio products ever produced...and l agree...l own a set...Trombone shorty sounds better on those than the Accordos....but pla... 
World's best small speaker?
It's a little late for a comment, but l just bought a set of Accordos. I purchased them without hearing or seeing them in person. Let me tell you there everything l expected and more.there brilliant with the crossovers inside the stands,the looks,... 
Original Sonus faber cremona auditor again?
I would consider getting rid of one pair of my Kappa9 speakers for the Stradaveris....but l would need a listen...as far as Sonus Faber goes...there silk tweeters and paper midranges just have such a great sound, warm,seductive, non irritating....... 
Best new audiophile rock album
I appreciate him making good old school Trower at 77 years old..love it or hate it...  
Best new audiophile rock album
Try a test listen off YouTube with a decent set of headphones on....  
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
That's a nice piece.....good price also  
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
With all do respect Mr.Lavorgna can keep that red chair...lm extremely sore from lifting all day at work .When l come home and listen to Sade l want to feel like I'm in heven...not in a Jame Bond movie getting torchered...  
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
Sorry for my spelling...yes they are spelled Eames.. Some of the expensive replicas are considered as good or better than the originals....they are used on Shark Tank.The top tier Norwegian leather arm chairs are also very nice...  
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
Sounds great! I love it...l once replaced my chair and lost my center "phantom " image that took me so long to achieve....l was swearing for days...  
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
I probably shouldn't post this but l have a expensive pair of Ugg swede sheepskin slip on shoes that are only to be worn in my listening room....when l walk in there and put my feet up...l like to see the mcintosh meters between my uggs....l think... 
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
IMO....l believe the room and its furnishings should be relative to the system.....in other words you wouldn't see a person with Wilson XVX speakers sitting on a milk crate or a lawn chair...