
Responses from vhiner

Power Amp recommendations
ZD542'LOL. Should've said "buying the amp that'll float your boat." Good point. 
Power Amp recommendations
Buying an amp is a greatly misunderstood process, even among some audiophiles. You'll get a lot of opinions on this thread, but the best suggestions will come from those who have actually owned your model of speakers. Many years of experimentation... 
Replacement for Squeezebox Touch?
Sammydlaw, Thanks for posting this. I am, however, very disappointed that it has no SPDIF digital out. Bit of a deal breaker for me. I know USBs are sufficient for many users and it may be a good choice if SQ is decent. I'm not sure how this is be... 
TAD CR-1 ?
True that. 
TAD CR-1 ?
Joe, thanks for the anecdote. It's nice to know what regular listeners have to say as opposed to only reading "the reviews." I have been told that the Magico's work best with big, overbuilt solid state amps. Based upon what you're saying tubes mig... 
TAD CR-1 ?
I was also attracted to the CR-1's and have wondered how they stack up to something like the Magico Q3. I hear the Magicos are "more forgiving" but I hear people sat a lot of things. ;-). Wish I knew someone with a pair in the St. Louis area. 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
Jmcgrogan2,+++++1Thanks for putting a cap on this. Now, back to music!! 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
Taters,I certainly have no interest in convincing you to buy anything but you posted a question that implies others *shouldn't* buy such things or that something is wrong with them if they do. And you seem intent upon persuading others to adopt yo... 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
Tony,In no way, did I think you and I are in any disagreement. I was reacting to the comments by others that seem to obsessively focus on cost as a measure of value and common sense. Sorry about the confusion. 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
I find all this "how dare they" froth about an expensive power conditioner odd in a world filled with $50k amplifiers and $90k speakers. When you haven't ever heard an expensive power conditioner in your own system and when you don't understand wh... 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
Tonywinsc,I hear you. Some of my cheapest tweaks have been the most rewarding. I also help friends upgrade and finding good deals for someone else is plenty of fun. 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
Tonywinsc,Good story. The world would be a more peaceful place if we ALL admitted the varied and sometimes irrational motivations behind our decisions. I'm glad you can enjoy your "shallow" decision as much as I do mine! LOL 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
I'd like to propose that making assumptions about decisions other people make and then self-righteously condemning them is a pretty sketchy practice.For example, my wife and I own two cars that are more than 12 years old. They get good mileage, lo... 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
I'm with Charles1dad on this.I am utterly perplexed at the selective outrage about how OTHER people spend their money. It's as pointless as the audio snobs who look down their noses at people with "lesser" equipment. I wonder whether people would ... 
DAC Recommendation around 2.5K
Wisnon,Happy to entertain. ;-)I'll be a happy man when there's 2 TB of DSD material that suits my tastes. See you on the 'circle.