
Responses from vhiner

power cords fo monoblocks
What have you tried? What did you like and what didn't work with past components? What is your budget? 
Help me spend my money
FWIW,No one can know what room treatments will work in your room who isn't standing in it when they are installed. ;-)I don't want to be a gossip, but I keep hearing people all over the various forums say they prefer a number of other USB cables o... 
Should I upgrade power cord for my preamp?
I have yet to hear a preamp whose performance was not improved by a good aftermarket power cord. The very best value in my experience is the Shunyata Venom line. You can find them used for as little as $100 and they outperform many far more expens... 
The Conrad Johnson Premier 350: Revisited
Podeschi,You prefer the 350 over the H300? I was wondering about that brand, having never heard it. The raves about the H30 had made me consider an audition. 
Which High Res releases are worth buying?
Goose,I completely agree and share your incredulity with respect to the price of downloads. I only download sure bets as a result. We seem to be stuck in this tug of war between people who think music is free (ridiculous and greedy) and music dist... 
Which High Res releases are worth buying?
I wish it could sustain a pulse, but that's up to Audiogon members. ;-)I have recently discovered the following downloads which I think are better than Red book: Chet Baker's "Baker's Holiday" 24/192, Norah Jones' "Feels like Home" 24/192 and Joni... 
PS Audio PWD MkII vs W4S DAC2
Cymbop,It *is* amazing how good Pandora sounds via Native X on a Squeezebox Touch. The MOG 320 is also great. I fool friends all the time who think it's a cd and ask to see the liner notes.One caution: make sure your setting is always on Native X.... 
PS Audio PWD MkII vs W4S DAC2
Cymbob,There will be a little roller coaster ride during break in, but if you're this happy right out of the box, you are gonna be over the moon after 300 hours. Keep it on and in operation for best results. Once it's broken in, go for a Shunyata ... 
Thiel 2.7 VS 3.7???
Telescope_trade,Nothing works like an in-home audition. I'll be eager to hear what the JL does for you. I have more than enough bass with my 3.7's but a properly integrated sub can certainly bring an "effortlessness" to a system and definitely doe... 
Thiel 2.7 VS 3.7???
I have not heard the 2.7's but I own the 3. 7's. IMHO, the only sub to consider with the Thiels is a Thiel smart sub. They are built to match your speaker. There's simply *no* way to know, without experimentation in your room, whether a sub would ... 
Best DAC ?
John Atkinson published a rave review of the MSB this year. I suppose the $3500 Marantz DAC embarrassing the MSB in the same publication *might* mean the MSB sucks, but others might come to an entirely different conclusion.But who am *I* to argue ... 
Audiophile Staff
Swampwalker,Of course! Doesn't yours? 
Audiophile Staff
I have a British gentleman who warms up my system precisely 1 hour before I arrive home. When I walk in the door, he inquires about my mood and hands me my favorite beverage. Once I arrive at my listening chair (which he has pre-heated), I say "Hi... 
Best DAC ?
Nickodavidoff,You are going to get some good suggestions here, but I would urge caution when considering high priced DACs. "High priced" is clearly a relative term, but I think anytime you are going to spend as much as you might on a car, caution ... 
DAC Recommendation around 2.5K
Congrats, Mlapenta! Happy listening!