
Responses from vhiner

Shunyatas New CX series
Pdreher,Per the folks at Shunyata, even previously broken in CX cords need to settle for a couple of days of continuous playing before they reach optimal performance levels. That said, I have bought a number of "demos" and it's worth inquiring if ... 
Why CD players will never be dead
Would someone care to weigh in on the PSAudio Perfect Wave memory player? It may not be better than computer audio files that never touched a disc, but I've found it to be equal to anything ripped from a disc and then fed to a DAC. Here's why: The... 
Shunyatas New CX series
Pdreher,You'll have to try both because every system is different. However, I and several people I know have had good luck starting with the digital front end. The cdp generates the most "noise" in most sytems. In case people haven't told you, you... 
Why CD players will never be dead
Shakey,Wayne at Bolder modded my linear PS and I am loving the result. He's got a Bybee mod that's supposed to be amazing. Too bad I'm over budget right now. 
Why CD players will never be dead
Grannyring,What's the rush? Wait another year or two and you'll be able to get something easy-to-use and fantastic for your $1500. The pace of improvement is like lightning right now. A huge investment in computer audio right now will likely resul... 
Why CD players will never be dead
Elizabeth,IMHO, most server systems are still a bit wonky...sort of where home wifi was 5 years ago...a tad complex if one isn't computer savy. That is rapidly changing and I suspect most companies will have easy-to-install and reliable systems wi... 
Why CD players will never be dead
When cd-quality music is widely available for affordable streaming from the Cloud, then the cd will likely be all but dead. Until then, I suspect the format will hold on longer than some expect. It's also worth considering that cd's can be purchas... 
Question about iPad and Squeezebox touch
I use the iPeng app. While I haven't compared it to the Logitech app, iPeng has no trouble recognizing My Music. The reviews I read indicate that a significant number of people prefer iPeng because it offers more features. Of course Logitech may i... 
Shunyata CX Python Speaker Cables
Milpai,You should call Shunyata directly, but I believe they do not recommend bi-wiring and supply a jumper, instead. I have not heard the Black Mamba, but they are not equipped with the Z-tron technology, which I believe is what puts the Python a... 
Shunyata CX Python Speaker Cables
Gbmcleod,My system is: Thiel CS 3.7's, Conrad Johnson CT5 preamp, Classe' Delta 2200 amplifier, PS Audio Perfect Wave Dac/Transport combo w/Harmonic Tech audio only HDMI interface, Shunyata Python CX's and Anaconda CX's, and the new Shunyata Trito... 
Shunyata CX Python Speaker Cables
I have owned the new Python speaker cables and interconnects for six months and I hear what you hear, Gbmcleod. They replaced my previous reference, the Harmonic Tech Magic Woofer line (stereophile class A for years running). The Python's render a... 
Jitter and 75ohm cable length
The best 75ohm cable I've ever heard has been a Moray James digital cable and this designer swears by 1.5m length. It clearly beat my half meter Canare and Kimber Illuminati cables....in MY system. Here's the twist, the MJ cable was voiced with th... 
How to choose a good fiber optic cable??
Glass is best but I've never heard a toslink that could stand up to a decent SPDIF cable. 
High pitched buzz caused by Squeezebox Touch?
Not that anyone appears too interested, but I've isolated the buzz. It has nothing to do with the Squeezebox Touch or the power supply. It turns out to be built up stactic electricity and I can make the resulting noise go away immediately by apply... 
DAC upgrade
Check out the PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC and Bridge or the Berkley Audio Alpha. I think spending more than $5k on CAC right now is risky given the current pace of innovation and upgrade process. I'd Go for a company a track record and reputation fo...