
Responses from vhiner

Shunyata CX Python Speaker Cables
Gbmcleod,My wallet's tapped out and it's gonna kill me to merely read about the next generation of power cords Shunyata will unveil in January. Apparently, they're applying the same technology we hear in the signal cables. Btw, I hear the new CJ E... 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
Crooner,A number of people around the net have reported that the DACMagic does not compete well with the SBT's internal DAC. If the Bifrost beats it, it's a steal at $349. I have not heard reports on the DACmagic Plus that was just released...but ... 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
It's probably worth weighing in here that an outboard DAC is only as good as the connection used. The right SPDIF cable can make a DAC you thought was "just OK" sound damned fine. The key is finding the right one. I usually pick the manufacturer's... 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
The Bifrost is intriguing. Here's a recent review:http://www.head-fi.org/products/schiit-audio-bifrost-dac 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
Spinaker01,What improvements do you hear with the V dac versus the SB's internal DAC?Anonymousauto,Thanks for the great info and help! 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
Anonymoustao, Thanks so much for the info! I had no idea the SB could already up sample a pandora stream to 24/96 via the analog outputs. Crooner, Thanks for the Schiit recommendation. I guess at this point I'd be interested in hearing from anyone... 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
Shakey,I agree that the SB DAC performs well beyond its price point, but I was hoping to find an external one that would enable my dad to upsample his Pandora and Internet radio feeds to 24/96 or higher. 
Power Cycling Mystery
B,Ahh, the rabbit hole. I find that removing something from my system usually reminds me how I got there in the first place....said the Mad Hatter to Alice. ;-) 
Power Cycling Mystery
Electricity and it's effects on sound reproduction are a bit like quantum physics...just when I think I understand, I don't. But as with the rest of the universe, I enjoy plenty of things I'll never understand. Have you experimented with power cor... 
Power Cycling Mystery
Byron,Since you're already opening your unit and you notice power changes, you might want to consider upgrading the unit's fuse/fuses if you haven't already. The improvement surprises many people. 
Power Cycling Mystery
I and several people I know have noticed that every high end DAC we've ever owned benefits from a quick power recycle. I have no idea why but I suspect it has something to do with resetting clocks and flushing data (no need for knowledgable people... 
Upgrading Fuses
The Flat Earth Society newsletter ( yup, they still print paper) just came out...the latest article is about how nano particles cannot exceed the speed of light. Apparently this violates what the Society calls Einstein's Law. (which he called a th... 
Why CD players will never be dead
Some people enjoy playing with computers and computer programs. For those who don't and who have very high sound quality standards, computer audio is not quite ready for prime time. Let me explain.When I'm at home, I listen to audio for fun. The b... 
Squeezebox touch volume question?
This may be crazy, but I opt to sey my Touch's volume at about 87 percent because this allows me to keep the volume of my preamp "opened up" a bit. If I set the Touch's volume at 100 percent, I have to keep my preamp volume lower, and I just don't... 
Yes,another DAC question
I own the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC and transport...it soundly beat a modded Meitner Bidat/ CEC transport combo as well as a T + A $5K CDP. I'm getting the MK II upgrade next month and this should take it to an even higher level. The PW transport i...