Responses from verafiaudio
SnubWay Question Thread Good Morning @agisthos - about 10 to 12 days Many thanks Mark | |
SnubWay Question Thread @uncola Enjoy Early reports are really positive over on Decware and I'm told other places. I'm trying to keep my Facebook posts as up to date also now that I have help there. Happy Father's Day Best - Mark | |
SnubWay Question Thread @stevebohnii No excuses - late is late. We opted for Milled Chassis and that cost us time and money :) The Product has landed in Lexington, KY. Fighting weather etc. We moved the fulfillment part of the business to Robinson, IL so Damien (w... | |
Seeking Opinions on "Vera-Fi Audio LLC" 10" and 12" Subwoofers Happy Holiday The Caldera 10's have been shipping for weeks. The Caldera 12 is new - we have a few pictures posted The 10 does nicely - we will post specs before the second batch arrive in 3 weeks We see -6dB at 27Hz in Room. Good reviews o... | |
Swiss Digital FUSE BOX Question Thread @agisthos Thanks for your note. Just caught this before getting ready to head out today. OEM Version already done - we have been contacted by at least 8 to 10 companies that have tested SDFB and LOVED the results. The Snubbers are Rocking... | |
SnubWay Question Thread Good Afternoon SnubWay is on our new site for Pre Order. We have units already and we are very pleased with the results on several levels Please visit our new site if interested A few pictures here to share Many thanks - Mark verafiaudio@gm... | |
PURON RESOLVE creates new options for better sound @normb Incredible reply - I hurt myself laughing at unicorn farts Mr. Skeptic - welcome to try for yourself. Just let me know Just let me know. Pretty sure you know how to find me - but, just in case... Best wishe... | |
PURON RESOLVE creates new options for better sound We should have our first Tronch of Resolve in 3 to 4 weeks Waiting final details so they can go up on the site shortly Thanks - Mark | |
PURON RESOLVE creates new options for better sound Good Grief Welcome to email me at I'm not going to try to slug it out here. Puron has done really well, and I'm quite sure Resolve will too. Label it tweaks etc, does not bother me one bit Current Reviews for Puron and... | |
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like" @lexphin Always want to share my sincere thanks and appreciation @kclone Thanks for your patience and going on this ride with me Best to all - Mark | |
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like" @jeenam Many thanks for your feedback and support of the Swiss Digital Fuse Box. Your e-mails really make me very happy and inspire my next steps with this Tech. Super review just published today from Bruce Kinch at Positive Feedback. An incr... | |
PURON RESOLVE creates new options for better sound @mitch2 We have only recently provided the Puron Resolve to Tom Gibbs from Positive Feedback only a few weeks ago (per my post above) - he has them now and perhaps in the future may (or may not) offer a Review. I personally hope so. Thanks -... | |
PURON RESOLVE creates new options for better sound Good Afternoon This is a new Puron product that just arrived some 4 weeks ago. I had mentioned this product on Facebook and in other places. I had interest from a few people either using Puron or the Swiss Digital FUSE BOX and I shipped severa... | |
Smaller plug-in AC Purifiers -- Shunyata, iFi, Puron...something else? What do you like? This review just in from a few days ago Thanks Mark | |
The best plug in filter ever! Good Morning Proud to share this with all of you - new pricing starts tomorrow Best to all - Mark |