
Responses from verafiaudio

SnubWay Question Thread
@rib61 Thanks very much for your updated comments. The SMPS Noise is pervasive and really robs the audio (and video) of all it can be. The measured results are just superb - but the proof is in the result @aldnorab I urge you to spend some t... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@gladmo Not at my desk to listen with my desktop system - but wow, they all sounded great. Thanks for that   @sbayne  Thanks for your post as well... read with great interest.  @elescher To this date - over 850 SDFB --- precisely one fail... 
SnubWay Question Thread
@agisthos  Thanks very much - look forward to your results in your Audio System  We are processing both SnubWay and Main Stream as quickly as we can in our new space in California - going really well Best wishes - Mark   
SnubWay Question Thread
@agisthos  NO illumination of SnubWays base. Main Stream yes, SnubWay no SnubWay does not run warm. Main Stream a little bit Thanks - Mark   
SnubWay Question Thread
@rlb61  Thanks very much for the wonderful endorsement here. Makes me smile  Both SnubWay and Main Stream are made in CA now and we are flowing inventory well. SnubWay is sold out for a few days after the 2nd Mass Production Round  All of us ap... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@pickindoug Sorry to hear this - was hoping for your review of our tech  Best wishes - Mark   
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@pickindoug I'm happy to help Send the necessary needs and I'm ready to roll. Thanks @thecarpathian  No worries - maybe in the future  Best to all Mark   
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
Always good to re-visit the Agon forums.  @pickindoug SDFB is under MicroP Control and yes, has a relay and a high end Hall Effect Sensor  You are seemingly highly technical so the best option for me is to offer you a Fuse Box to try with a few... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@wolf_garcia You may find these of interest - if not... well that's ok too ... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@pickindoug Engineering Staff sent this - many thanks, Mark      The "simple answer" is that FuseBox will hold 100% current rating indefinitely.  When steady current consumption gets to 110% it will trip.   The complication is the logic we h... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@pickindoug You are correct - no B+ or Speaker Fusing please - AC Mains ONLY. SDFB is very safe and has proven itself to be very reliable and easy to use.   @wakeuptobose  Thanks - I remember you :)  Appreciate it... Lots of Lampi's in our us... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
I will add this as it has just posted today  Great Read,,,  Thanks - Mark Sluggo Review  
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@whart Thus far no interference -  I wrote a reply explaining more - but it's gone Please visit our web site and read the manual please Best wishes - Mark  
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@whart The natural state if SDFB is OPEN State Only when the System senses all systems GO will it Close Further questions - our manual and disclosures are on line for the public Thanks - Mark    PS - we have saved many systems already in hea... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@waytoomuchstuff Maybe the single funniest line I've read in 55 years of doing this  ... but it appears that some of the posters got up this morning, slipped on a new pair of BVDs, and forgot to take the cardboard out of them? OMG - hurt myself...