Responses from urbie
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better? let me ask this question, 20,000 amps are already very very good, do you honestly believe that a $40,000 amp is $20,000 better? I highly doubt it, it may be 5% and at the most 10% better is that worth $20,000 more I highly doubt it. | |
Inherited a pair of JBL 4350 -- Need Advice I wouldn't pay $140,000 for those junkie speakers they're not even close to being anywhere near as good as the new speakers are now.. | |
Speaker cable Chinese don't have anything OCC it's just a scam. | |
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home and to add to that a separate circuit breaker that has no other lines running to anything else. | |
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home Carlsbad, you have a physics degree, what does that have to do with knowing how to install a dedicated line and being an electrician? nothing LOL I used to be an electrician I'm retired now you don't have to design a circuit to put in a dedicated ... | |
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home Carlsbad, obviously you don't know anything about electricity and being an electrician, all you have to do is run a wire from your panel connected to a separate circuit breaker and then to your outlet it's not rocket science it's pretty simple act... | |
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home Carlsbad, obviously you don't know anything about electricity and being an electrician, all you have to do is run a wire from your panel connected to a separate circuit breaker and then to your outlet it's not rocket science it's pretty simple act... | |
need a new IC cable ( rca ) I would take the acoustic Zen OCC single crystal is far superior to ofc wire. | |
Power Cables - Stock vs. Budget obviously if that's your budget range for power cords your equipment can't be that good so you probably won't notice that much of a difference, don't waste your money. | |
Preamps can color sound considerably. Surprising? not if you have one that's neutral. | |
Best DACs under $7,000.00 I'd like the Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC. the very analog sounding one of the reviewers put it up against its VPI turntable with the 5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said it sounded every bit as analog and I agree, because bested many more exp... | |
Power cable for Bryston if you want the best sounding power cord get anything OCC single Crystal that is the best wire for audio proven for over 40 years. | |
$5K DAC OPTIONS try the w y r e d 4 sound 10th anniversary dac the reviews have been really good one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said that it was every bit as analog sounding, cost is $4,500 US and ... | |
Disservice: XLR interconnects and if you want an even bigger improvement try interconnects that are made with OCC single crystal wire far superior to anything ofc on the market. | |
Silver Speaker Cables depends what kind of silver you're talking about, ofc silver is nowhere near as good as OCC silver and neotech in their top line they have two cables the Amazon which is all silver in their interconnects and Sahara which is a hybrid copper and sil... |