
Responses from urbie

Cable burn in
JasonBourne52 I see you're still as dumb as a fence post if you think that wires don't make a difference in sound different and obviously the equipment you have is not very good LOL quit spewing lies to people you have no idea what you're talking ... 
A Question About Time Alignment
I don't even think that Wilson's speaker sound that great the monitor audio platinum sound much better.  
How many people do you think have the same DAC, amplifier, and speakers
ghdPrentice, get rid of that transparent garbage wire which uses shitty ofc and get some good OCC single crystal wire and your system will open up way more than with that crap wire that you have now,OCC single Crystal has been proven to be far su... 
Active Speakers Better? No, per Michael Borresen
I wouldn't listen to anything that paradigm has to say their best speakers are very bright and edgy with that beryllium mid-range and tweeter definitely not high-end audiophile quality speakers. and extremely overpriced.  
100% USA designed & made DAC
Carlsbad, the Wyred4Sound 10th anniversary dac is phenomenal sounding, one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said it was every bit as analog sounding and I bought one and I have to totall... 
New! Cerious Technologies Lumniscate cables
the only other question I have is what type of wire are they using because if they're still using ofc junk then it's still not going to be better no matter what they do to it then OCC single crystal wire because it still has fractures in The wire ... 
What is Your End Game System?
I have my end game system now already it consists of: Sim audio p8 preamp, Sim audio w8 amp, esoteric P10 transport, Wyred4sound 10th anniversary dac, monitor audio platinum 200 ll, speaker cables are Neotech the Amazon, rectangular OCC single cr... 
What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?
but if I have to give you an answer the Borresson bookshelf speakers are very good they cost $27,000 us though check them out online and they also have a more expensive silver edition which is $65,000 that's just stupid price for a bookshelf spea... 
What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?
that's a real dumb question, I highly doubt that anyone on here has heard every super expensive stand Mount bookshelf speaker in the world so how can you expect them to know the answer to that question.    
What do you do when you inherit some gear that you don’t want.
m o f o j o, are you kidding the paradigm persona are so bright and edgy it’s not even funny, that beryllium Tweeter and midrange is awful one of the worst speakers I’ve ever listened to they’re terrible definitely not worth the money that they’re... 
Does creating a loom in cables in a system make a significant difference?
using cables from the same company makes more sense but if you're going to use any kind of cables get OCC single Crystal because it is far superior than anything ofc on the market at any price, but there's also cheaper and higher-end OCC single cr... 
Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube
I don't care how much money a person has if you pay $20 to $40,000 for a piece of wire you're getting scammed, there's nothing that they can do to a piece of wire to make it worth that much sorry you got too much money and not enough common sense ... 
Need 25 foot interconnects
Belden? what kind of cheap monoblocks do you have to use that crappy cable? if you're going to use interconnects at least get the best, OCC single Crystal copper far superior to anything ofc on the market.  
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?
invalid, I don't know what stereo amps you've been listening to and comparing to monoblocks, I've never heard any $20,000 stereo amp sound better than $40,000 monoblocks, sorry I don't know what price range you're listening to but no way will an e... 
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?
ghd Prentice, that's not a fair comparison, if you're going to do a comparison compare apples to apples not apples to oranges, obviously monoblocks are going to sound better than a stereo amp so if you're going to do a comparison at least do stere...