

Responses from unreceivedogma

Recording Studio sound Vs. Audiophile system
Clearly spelling challenged today.  
Recording Studio sound Vs. Audiophile system
"...who has won fivee or six..." 
Recording Studio sound Vs. Audiophile system
I'm friends with an engineer who had won five or six Grammys, is a child-prodigy violinist (that is, he's an artist and an engineer), and designs his own electronics and speakers. When he was a pup engineer, I would hire him to make repairs in my ... 
Speaker recommendation for married couple
My wife at first was only concerned with the furniture: that is, the size and appearance of my speakers (Altec 604C duplexes) which is what I thought this thread was going to be about. Now that hat my system has been repaired and tuned again, she ... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Rodman99999, I said that I have listened to a variety of cables, maybe a dozen. I found the differences to be barely perceptible, and certainly in no way justifying some of the exhorbitant  prices. I think that if you spend more than $5 a ft you'r... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Sorry Dgarretson, my bad but with only 37 posts u can c that I'm new in these parts. That said, nothing gets my dander up more than theology masquerading as science.  
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
I'm copying this comment from another thread about speaker cable and pasting it here:I've experimented with cables over the years, and have come to the same conclusion that the founder of Monster Cable finally fessed up to: expensive cables are a ... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Old_scribe, could it maybe be that Cable Theologians are also suffering from confirmation bias, otherwise also known as the placebo effect (I spent a lot of money on it, it must be good!) 
Record Cleaning Machine
VPI. 16.5. Built like Ike a brick s--thouse, as the saying goes, and it works just fine. Only reason to spend more would be to go ultrasonic.  
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
If it was Crazy Eddie's idea of insane prices, that would be a different story!!! 
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
I've experimented with cables over the years, and have come to the same conclusion that the founder of Monster Cable finally fessed up to: expensive cables are a gimmick conjured up by marketers who figured out that audiophiles will pay a lot of m... 
Wife trouble
My wife could not tell the difference in sound between a six transistor radio and my gear. Until recently, when after experimenting with five or six SUTs at $350 to $1000, I found one for $190 that actually works well and now she gets it. That sai... 
This is pretty funny and probably true for most of us
My daughter is a professional musician. She'll probably inherit mine.  
Brightest but shortest artistic bursts in the sky
Bdp24: not sure I would include Gran Parsons in your list. His output was cut down by an overdose, not by a decline in talent or craft. I would also disagree about where he got his love for heroine from. It predates Keith. I saw saw all the sets t... 
Living in Audiophile Hell ! Buenos Aires , Argentina
Buenos Aires. Buenos dias!