
Responses from undertow

my sl 1210 is louder on the right channel
Are you using tubes? If so anywhere in the chaini and they are not well matched this will cause the issue as well.. Only way to find this is to swap tubes from channel to channel, I found this with a Phono amp utilizing 12AX7's once, we thought an... 
pro-ject speed box 2 , all they say it is ?
If you don't want the "wavy" sound from your albums especially the slightly warped ones that vary in pitch, get the speed box.. it works… and as stated above it does really well with quieter parts and piano that you will notice some wavy pitch cha... 
Swapping the MMF 5 for an SL-1210M5G
Well the bottom line is its not the table.. it’s the setup of the table and your willingness to do this as correct as possible at this ponit. You made your own assumption correctly, you know you have too much invested to have it fail at this point... 
Swapping the MMF 5 for an SL-1210M5G
Yeah the cart is an issue period, first off not that great of a cart. secondly its not set up right on top of it! With a dartzeel phono section you could take a fisher price turntable and sound better than most CD's! Something is matched wrong for... 
What tube monos for my Presence?
Well I am happy to hear it is working out :-)One correction the Stock Audio Mirror amps utilize much better than Solen caps stock, they have Sonicap Gen II caps.. Which are also excellent, very neutral, very smooth sounding caps..However the Jantz... 
With 15W tube amp, which speakers to use?
Klipsch, & Zu audio 
Help me build a system
Joekapahulu"I have heard the Gallos and liked them. "Try out the new Zu Druids....Go look at the 6moons audio review site, and many others, there are pretty much good comparisons and contrast to the Zu vs. Gallos and many others in your price rang... 
component problems driving me from the hobby?
SirspeedyIt would help to know exactly all these components, first off if others have had exact units with issues it would be good to know, also might be able to help... You have no system listed so its a bit difficult to see what we are working w... 
Coupling capacitors give warm & sweet sound
Near Brand new Link on another freak junky testing caps, and lots of them!! Some good info and again I totally agree on the mundorf, and sonicap platinums.. But Auricaps are a joke, and use to be like a dollar or 2 more than a Basic Solen cap, now... 
Speakers for a smaller room/moving issues...
Headphones? How about that for a one word answer :-) 
most effective bass traps
GawdblessI have owned many of the above products.. The Foam factory stuff is IDENTICAL if not making the Lenrd bass traps for Auralex.. However as mentioned, and some contended above.... My verdict is FOAM is crappy for real effect, Don't believe ... 
Coupling capacitors give warm & sweet sound
Piedpiper, The dynamicaps are in fact some newer revisions, and they use to be the TRT caps not even named Dynamicaps, which by the way are branded made by Wondercap anyway.. I have used them with better luck in the electronics than speakers if th... 
Coupling capacitors give warm & sweet sound
I have used in Both... Speakers were really worse, hovlands are definitely not a good choice in the speakers from what I have tried... very dry, very compressed, and never really totally flatened out.. Electronics might not be as bad unless its us... 
Coupling capacitors give warm & sweet sound
If it helps, I HATED the hovlands almost the most out all the caps I have had... 
DVD player for CONCERTS/2 Channel Out
Oppos definitely..