
Responses from undertow

Tubes vs. SS
Somec59I was going to suggest different tubes vs. the basic "Non-colored" russian types probably in the rogue gear but figured that might get more confusing, and costly for somebody that does not know where to start! Basically I just knew rogue is... 
lps sound bad
There are some real dogs in both CD and vinyl, there is no guarantee... Take a REALLY good LP and CD and compare that you know have the goods, then you will mostly hear superiority of the format, but there are bad ones, and there are many... Nothi... 
Crunch time: headphones $150....
I love grados as well, however had to get rid of them years ago for one issue, they are efficient, great sound, and really top to bottom "Realism in sound"However due to the open back they are as loud as a Clock radio going off in the next room.I ... 
Tubes vs. SS
Dcstep Interesting people think tubes are still selling due to people want to pay for NOS and units that sound a certain sonic signature, yet like to argue they should all sound nearly the same if juxtaposed to a top grade solid state?Very strange... 
Tubes vs. SS
Rogue 66 Magnum I can say would be a very Solid state presentation of what tubes sound like if that makes sense... More tube sounding units out there for sure. 
15 watts & 94 db eff. speakers: how loud?
I believe all seem to be wrong here, DOUBLE or twice as loud I belive is 10 db... So if your playing at a volume of 90 db 100 db would be necessary output to double it.. 3 db louder is notable, but not a TON louder, 6 db is a pretty solid increase... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Well again remember something the chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so you are ending up with 50% of this mind blowing sound from the mundorf being a part of the equation as well, meaning the dueland will not enhance information beyond ... 
Just how big is that driver?
Nobody ever made a rule I guess that the size stated of a driver is of the cone alone(or cone and attached surround), most seem to think as a logical assumption the measurement provided is of the actual cone surface area, but it is instead of the ... 
Just how big is that driver?
Most 10" drivers are at the outer most part of the frame measured(a bit deceiving for sure), normally the surround and cone make up only about 8.75" to 9" of it actually. And yeah they still consider them 10's commercially.. some european drivers ... 
Audio Mirror Horns
Built originally in california, now in texas I believe.. Very rare because they seem to be built and sold immediatley.. I know of a couple owners in chicago that have owned them and since left the game never to buy again after having these, they l... 
? about oppo
All Oppo needs to do in order to take everybody out is change their current USB input on the next generation machine to handle all lossless (Flac,Apple) formats so you can use it as a standalone DAC as well as optical transport so you can run a mu... 
Stuck on cabinet color
Black.. Always a popular choice, always re-sells quickest cause its universal... Always goes with mostly anything you match up to it.. Yep its a speaker, are you really going to hide it anyway? Especially with the black grills sticking out, but th... 
? about oppo
Cerrot the 971 was HORRIBLE on audio, and was decent picture at the time like 5 years ago... The newer Oppos blow them away as transports. The 980 for 160 dollars cannot be touched transport or video wise for the money. 
? about oppo
Sthomas, I have said this for about 3 years... People investing in huge dollar transports and CD, DVD, will soon pay the piper, probably 2010 will show tons of used stuff getting next to nothing, I mean especially those Denon DVD players that sold... 
Is the KAB Fluid Damper worth it if...
Alright so solving this issue... To make Daytons perform and correctly fit with the right platform..First you need the fender washers.. But they need to be 2" diameter with a 1/4" center hole... Now this will fit over the entire assembly pretty se...