
Responses from undertow

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hifisoundguy/Nope once again :-) They look interesting.. Flat body much like the duelunds. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Duelunds vs. Clarity cap MR size for size.. Well I know you can get a Clarity MR for about 60 bucks in 1 uF and a Duelund is somewhre in the 120 to 135 region.. So yep half the price of Duelund.. But double what a Mundorf silver would cost I guess... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Yeah we are all nuts until Albert Porter enigma of audiogon says so... I will go with that thanks :-) I respect his system and contribution to the site, however if thats what it takes to wake somebody up so be it.Give me a break this is not rocket... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I get what your saying.. But I think you just have not tried the right caps yet, but of course you can stack 1000 dollars worth of duelunds and get your desired effect, just trying to save you a little, in the midrange I would be shocked if the MR... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
VolleyguyAgain the Clarity MR is super fast, linear, balanced, and simply the most perfect cap I have heard yet.. I have now tested them being in the main output caps vs. the several above into a rather raw and harsh horn system between me and a f... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
DkzzzzNot sure if you caught the drift, but I was being actually as sarcastic as you… Seems we are not quite that clever, but obviously my comments to you seem to be completely a Fairy Tale so be it…I would suggest however using pink colored cable... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy You answered your own question... If you believe in the microphonics created by the inside of the cap elements effecting sound, once again Clarity Cap MR seems to have made a BIG difference and effective sonic benefit from this. They are... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
DopogueThat is very good... I did the same, I did not find I liked better or worse at first the new fuse, but it was DEFINITELY different to some extent... Could not place it, however yes 2 weeks later I said guess what, lets get silly, I will pla... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
What I am shocked by (and again I will argue that the price is still substantially high) that 39 bucks has everybody in a tizzy over this.. First off there is an EASY to discern difference at times hearing these fuses, again just as stated above m... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
HifisoundguyNope. And I think they already went right back out of business even though that ad is from 2007 that you see in your link, from my understanding with some being sold off in bulk to whoever will use them.. I remember something about cou... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Audphile1 a couple months ago there was an article and a couple of threads on Krell finally going out... They might be still operational, I don't know, maybe somebody saved them with a checkbook, again I don't know.MusicnoiseGold end caps have not... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Krell already charges you at least an extra 50 bucks for fuses in their price anyway as they are WAY overpriced electronics in the first place, might as well get some that might be worth it then :-) Besides I think they just went out of business, ... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
What spec. is there to measure here? I mean fact is they are amperage rated fuses, ones that are or are not rated to protect your equipment, made from a little more exotic and sustantial sized current conducting materials over a very cheap fuse, d... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
What I don't understand is what is there to prove? I can guarantee easily noticed in my system, I put it on a certain volume level, I get a bit of a upper bass "Buzz" for example.. With the new fuses in place its gone, I put back the old, its back... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Mboldda1Thats actually a very accurate and possible scenario, and I agree with your link.. Fact is they make a difference was the point most don't even get!! Forget about proving if they are better or not, I will not dispute the fact they can have...