
Responses from undertow

Technics 1200MKII or1210M5G? M5G worth it?
LED Cue Light Is very GOOD in blue because you automatically see all the white lint and dust on the album surface so using a carbon fiber brush you can make sure to get it all off.. Think of a Black light in a college dorm room and seeing all the ... 
Leave solid state amps on? Or turn off everytime?
Bel Canto if they are digital is no problem on... But then again turning them on 2 hours before helps too if you want them off most of the time. 
The focus and air lie
The audiophile curse***Basically many like to say "we all hear differently"The actual truth is we have varying degree's of deafness :-)Just nobody admits that part of it 
? Modded Oppo 983 ?
Well its faster than I thought... Here it is... http://gizmodo.com/5046217/oppo-bdp+s83-blu+ray-player-may-be-first-almost-universal-disc-reader 
need transparent hi-rez powerful integrated
Mcintosh excellent buildexcellent re-sale valueexcellent near tubelike sound, but with bass authorityvery powerful, will drive just about anythingintimate sounding, and has the tone controls to help out if you want to adjust something or bypass th... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
By the way I think you are very wrong in that I don't believe in the importance of the crossover caps, I have spent more time and money on speakers and caps than some have on the systems my self in the past!! I just learned there is a certain appr... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I think you mis understood the comment... Point being the caps you are using in a crossover are only handling each portion separatley, in otherwords you are using a cap to feed each driver which is only producing a very limited range of audio resp... 
Power problems.... Ground, dedicated lines, ect
First and easiest approach is to make sure everything is in the correct phase.. This means your Neutral is actually connected to the neutral spade etc... on the outlet not the Hot... They sell "3 Prong" power testers that you pick up at the hardwa... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Well my only cavet over the issue is being such a supreme cap so to speak is only being used in a very limited frequency response application.. I would say for the money at that point I hate to say but the VSF is probably 99% of it and you would n... 
Best short-lived band?
Alice in chains... No doubt they lingered for about 7 years, with no real backing concert tours, and a few albums, but they were never really a band due to many obstacles, and still accomplished a lot of great music . And they were the first to re... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
By the way volley, the MR's are about 25% cheaper than the SIlver/Gold Oils mundorfs top dog, and are about Half the price of the Duelund VSF Cu series…So they are more cost effective and materials used in them is a little more reliable from the h... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I would with an educated assessment of what I have experienced say the CAST vs. VSF in a very critical or higher power application will most likely have an edge in some cases, again depending on the application.. However I have experienced as with... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Thats very interesting.. But I bet they are in the 11.5 rating probably equal, I would take the MR purely based on build and future reliability with no OIL.. Especially if in an electronic piece vs. speakers. 
? Modded Oppo 983 ?
Sounds good, but actually we might get very lucky and oppo corrects their current USB input on the units in the next generation allowing them to work as a standalone dac with any other transport or PC format and the internal optical drive…Along wi... 
? Modded Oppo 983 ?
First off the so so performance on the 970, is not nearly as good or even the same on the newer units... So don't be afraid, The 980 and 983 are far better just stock with red book CD if you have not heard them, and yes superior to all in the pric...