
Responses from undertow

Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Gbart, You are absolutley right… They are built to tolerate 110 to 130 volts… However that is not the range they sound best in! For sure the best sound comes from most gear in the 115 - 118 range… Mainly this is due to circuits sound more hyped up... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Thanks Zargon!Yeah sweet system you have there. I would love to just go all Dedicated like that, but for the time being I am looking to keep the system self contained and moveable vs. hardwired built in. I will have to take advantage of existing c... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Oh and it seems most variac deals are a type of Brush run motor, due to needing brush replacements on some of them, this would mean to me they make some noise… That will not work, I would rather have a passive type method to accomplish all this an... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
What? First Not sure why contact enhancer would do anything accept dissapate like Flux once you hit it with heat and the solder actually would just clear it and adhears to the metal component directly most likely just pushing the contact enhancer ... 
Speaker Technology over the last 10 years
Computer designs are a good basis because you need a solid starting point.. But due to so many variations in drivers, and then combination of so many different mixed drivers, and materials available you will not end up with some kinda super speake... 
Iso Clean Fuses
Bicycle_manI know for a fact of about 3 manufactures you can call and they will offer them in the equipment for a small upgrade cost, also that do recommend the better fuses as they do sound much better... And 2 of them are huge names in the busin... 
Copper Sleeve over IEC
Nasaman Note on Page one of this thread I stated that Zu is already doing it yes. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Materials, yes I have a plastic man made knob on my preamp volume right now.. But when I change it to exotic natural wood from the forest of enchantment watch out!!! Again there are facts, and half truth myths in this hobby, not one size fits all ... 
Iso Clean Fuses
I have used both Hifi tuning and Isocleans… Yes they are BOTH directional even if the argrument is made that AC(alternating current) cannot be effected by a single direction, I don't know. However after trying Isocleans they are very open, transpa... 
Preamp Caps?Auricap,Mundorf, Hovland, jensen,solen
No problem, yeah they are also nice because they have a high voltage rating to be used universally to and extent over some of the exotic caps only good for crossovers. 
Pure Phono Preamp
You don't mention if you want a remote, but the manley steelhead I believe does it all and then some. 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Bombaywalla Heres a pretty simple story… A friend of mine had a huge big screen, and his rack between the speakers.. Fairly large room, all wood floors, kid that would run around time to time etc… Now I said first the location of all his gear was ... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
BombaywallaIf you hit yourself in the head with a hammer do you feel it? If I hit your turntable or stand holding your turntable do you think its gonna feel it and your gonna hear it thru the speakers? OF COURSE! However if I hit the wall across t... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Okay, so here is what I want to know… knuckle rapping cannot be very well proven to tell you anything with a turntable isolation. However my suggestion is this, first anything physically "Knocking" on something attached to your cartridge will most... 
Preamp Caps?Auricap,Mundorf, Hovland, jensen,solen
Ha, yeah wow... totally dug this one up from the grave! Big changes over the years, now I totally tear apart and do everything myself, far simpler and way cheaper once you have some skill's and tools to do it, oh and ears that can find the right m...