
Responses from undertow

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Mingles, Truth is a cap is in "Parallel" for my Low frequency drivers… The Inductor is the important part on those woofs… I use Jantzen Superiors on the LF with excellent results.. However its overkill, a Solen cap could do just as well in most ap... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Its called "Hearing whats really upstream now" I can tell you this, I just purchased the 8 gauge inductors from northcreek, they are the exact opposite results.. I am running Class A amps directly into them, excellent sound, very smooth, very warm... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Duelund makes any size, including custom... But if its not stocked at parts connexion takes an extra 3 weeks or more to get them. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy again I hate to say it for like the 10th time… But your missing so many pieces of the equation looking into one Miracle cap and inductor to solve an entire speaker curve.. First you have very old strangley P.A. Pro like low excursion woo... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
VolleyguyNope never had an issue, but I made sure I was WELL above any voltage ratings... And again this is stuff you are playing with that with different power supplies nobody can tell you directly what to do with it. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
ElviukaiWhat I should have said with a SOLEN Bypass used even on top of the best electro is better than the single Electro alone in many cases... That being said obviously in most electrical applications of a power supply a solen 1000 uF or whatev... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
You can NOT really do a full film poly Solen power supply.. Basically due to most electrolytic caps are 100 uF up to 100,000 uF depending on what your doing… As well as voltage issues. Only thing you can do is take a good rated Electro cap like yo... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The mundorfs are not a Voltage risk, however yes if they are any type of oil I would not use them as they will be in a possible leaking or high heat location..By the way perfect Film bypass caps for electrolytics I have been using with Zero issues... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Actually where can you buy that transformer now? Any links? I just hooked up another transformer balanced, yes it is easy, I was just curious what the one you are using looks like. What gauge wire is coming off there? Mostly I noted that even some... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Bigshutterbug, I believe it! As I stated above most audio gear regardless of its "designed voltaged range" will perform better the closer you get it to 110 volt side of things opposed to the high 120 and above in my experience.. Some don't underst... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
My Results:Okay so the Balanced transformer does not seem like a bad thing! Meaning for the little I got to test listen it did not seem to remove anything from the music or overall dynamic presentation, however what it did do was remove a slight a... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Face the duelunds are better in speakers probably in most cases.. The Mr's might do something very special with certain designs or drivers... However MR's are king for perfection in full range signal applications, meaning preamp outputs, amp coupl... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Jea48 actually this is a "Balanced transformer" so it will output if there is no loss 128 volts / 2 = 64 volts to the hot and 64 volts to the neutral on the duplex. 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Gbart, well hopefully there is no loss! But for some reason there is a claim of up to like 5% maybe saturation or something with most transformers? Still it should be better due to obviously cutting the voltage in half on and spreading on 2 phases... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Jea48, I purchased a Balanced transformer that will be 60 - 60 v out… The 5% loss is supposedly just from going thru the transformer, it is a 1000 va size, and I am told by the manufacture there will be about a 5% loss in voltage essentially givin...