

Discussions ulf has started

Any Opinios on Genesis II.570716
Why dosome high pwr amps fail to drive some spkrs?802313
Hydra 6 vs Hydra 8?28533
How good is the Esoteric p70/D70 to 0X-1, or other67694
Amp stands for Krell 450 monos?22815
Differences btween ARC preamp ref models?22822
Anyone listen to Dodson 218 DAC?25773
Any Audiophile recording of The Planets?1157830
Which Krell for driving subs?34806
Used Emm Labs 6/Phillips vs modded Denon 3910?26810
How good is Muse 11 universal player?28733
A dedicated digital Cable or XLRinterconect?23933
Old used high end transport vs new same price ?46697
Anyone listen to Emmlabs DCC2 plus new transport?20802
Forsell DAC and transport the best?49013