Responses from twoleftears
Ferrite install on appliances AC cable | |
Get your First Watt SIT-3 now? Although I'm largely skeptical of Stereophile reviews, it would be worth looking at the recent SIT-3 review, which also includes comments on the XA25. | |
Looking for more transparency. Unfortunately, they take about 90 days to break in fully. (-; | |
Tube Rolling a Rogue Cronus Titan integrated amp If you want warmer, a little more "tubey" sound (the Rogue standard isn't very much) try a Mullard NOS in the preamp socket. | |
Tube Rolling a Rogue Cronus Titan integrated amp Received wisdom is that the preamp tube, the single one at the front (shared by both channels) makes the biggest difference. Depending on what direction you want to go in, any of the usual suspects would be worthwhile: Mullard, Amperex, Brimar, T... | |
A DAC that can make digital sound analog? You have several fine choices: SW1X, Lab 12, and Metrum among them. | |
Expo Were Ryan finally demoing the much-delayed S840? | |
Recommendation on power amp What we need are fewer dealers whose every post turns into a lengthy infomercial. | |
Luxman D-06u or Esoteric K-05Xs CD / SACD player? And check out the current thread on a 'goner trying to get service for his Esoteric. | |
Any insight on Tekton Double impact BE, Focus Se, Salk SS 8, or Golden Ear TRef? As a PMC Twenty.24 owner, I was impressed by the bass coming out of the modestly sized regular Song3’s, and of course the Encore has the significantly bigger woofer (same company) and corresponding enclosure. | |
A comparison between two DACs, one R-2R, the other ES 9038-based. I thought this was first posted in a discussion of the CDT-8 over on AudioCircle, but a quick google search doesn't bring it up. | |
DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA Agreed.And furthermore: just because a unit doesn't hum (or whatever) in one location (be that the dealer's or elsewhere), it shouldn't hum in most domestic locations. Humming there is an indication of either an imperfect design or a faulty unit.... | |
A tubed integrated amp for Joseph Audio Pulsars? OK, how about an Aesthetix Mimas. Another great product. | |
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other??? Any company that calls itself "Class D" has to feel pretty confident and secure in the quality of their products. Just sayin'. | |
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time" The smaller the company and the more "new models" they crank out in short order, the more you've got to question how much of a "technological breakthrough" each one of them actually represents, however much of an audio genius the sole owner/design... |