Responses from twoleftears
Sam here and this goes much deeper than i ever thought. | |
What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1 Do you want integrated or power?I was thinking this model: A lot of their products have fairly similar model numbers.Tubes are not run anywhere near their limit and will effective... | |
~$15K floorstanders: opinions sought B&O Beolab 90. | |
A case for running speakers full range - Tekton Double Impact SE w/ SVS SB16 subs The Absolute Sound recently ran two interviews with leading subwoofer designers. One strongly advocated for running full-range, one strongly advocated for *not* running full-range. Go figure. | |
Amp recommendations for Joseph Audio Perspectives2 How much power do you need?LTA ZOTL40? | |
Speaker hiss from power amp The hiss was already there. The switch to XLR enables you to hear it more clearly. XLR cabling reduces noise creeping in over the course of the run; what you hear is gain happening inside the amp and being output at the balanced socket at a high... | |
How to shop for an integrated? The obvious suggestion is the Belles Aria integrated. You can audition this in person at Audio Connection in NJ, or call Johnny Rutan and he will tell you all about it. This really is a shoe-in solution to your question. | |
l just discovered another one of the record companies dirty tricks? These days the DT department at most record companies (the few that remain) is bigger than A&R. There are *more* conspiracies out there to be revealed to the unsuspecting public. | |
~$15K floorstanders: opinions sought Salk SS 9.5; one of Daedalus's models. | |
Objective Studies? There have been some patchy tests done with various noise sniffer devices, which of course depend in part on the quality and accuracy of the noise sniffer itself. But the before and after demos I've seen were pretty good.What we really need is a ... | |
Have you "lied" to yourself? There's a scene in chapter 1 of Don Quixote where DQ finds that his helmet lacks a visor, so he fabricates one out of pasteboard. One test with the sword destroys it. So he makes a second one out of pasteboard with some thin strips of iron worke... | |
Whats playing on your system today? Beethoven 4 & 8: Bernard Haitink, London Symphony Orchestra, SACD. | |
Why the truth is not in them ?? And now we're back to solipsism. Hmmmm.... | |
Crutchfield's Speaker Compare When you can't audition them in person, would you prefer to choose speakers to trial-audition at home by:1. reading reviews and posts by members on Audiogon;2. listening to Crutchfield's approximate simulacrum of how they sound? | |
Burn In... the Age Old Question, Cables, Components, and Speakers You really need a separate system for each genre of music you listen to. Burn-in within genre is OK. Above all, beware Enya on endless repeat. |