Responses from twoleftears
Favorite Symphonies Quiz Good, Hovhaness, anyone else?Another way to think about Mahler is which ones could you possibly do without. For me that would be 8, then 7, then 1. And that would be it.@mayoradamwest I can't do without the lovely last movement of the 4th.My fav... | |
As Advised, Starting With Speakers First. There's also The Audio Connection in Seattle, which is one of the few places where you can audition Chapman speakers. | |
Favorite Symphonies Quiz Other than Haydn, how many other composers made it past Mozart's 41? | |
The survival of the fittest. The survival of the pushiest. | |
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good? @ryder Welcome to the world of audiophile hyperbole, where even the direction in which a fuse is inserted in its holder can make the proverbial "night and day" difference.Honestly, the more reviews and posts that you read before actually experienc... | |
Why is there no love for Prima Luna? Can "Made in America" brands (really: assembled in America) actually claim that every last strand of wire, every electronic component, and every connector was manufactured in the US? | |
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market? Whatever happened to second-hand?There are marketing euphemisms and then there are PC-motivated name changes.Personnel becomes Human Resources, Fundraising becomes Development, etc. etc. | |
suggestion for a SS class AB amp that sounds like a class A ... if such a thing exists You can get a used Unison Unico Due Integrated for under 2K. | |
When does my class Atoll IN200 A/B integrated switch from class A to class B? That seems extraordinarily high for an integrated that's rated up to 120W into 8ohms and which has no external heatsinking. In fact, I find it hard to believe.When I think of high transition point amps I always think of Coda. Take a look at the ... | |
Dedicated Harbeth P3 Thread The Anniversaries have a badge and different binding posts. The XD's have a much "improved" price. By far the best price-to-sound ratio is to be found going back to whichever Harbeth model is immediately before the Anniversary edition. | |
suggestion for a SS class AB amp that sounds like a class A ... if such a thing exists The Benchmark will be by far and away the least class A-sounding, so delete immediately from your list.But are you looking for an integrated or a power amp?Alongside the Ayre integrated, you could look at the Belles Aria. | |
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab Do yourself a favor and get the Revels. | |
New WIREWORLD Eclipse 8 series FULL REVIEW There's another thread on a nearly identical topic that ideally would be merged with this one. | |
Speakers good for close to wall placement Anyone remember the NHT 3.3's? They were so deep that you could jam the back of them right up against the wall and yet the drivers would still be a good distance out from the wall. | |
High end Class D amps? One honking toroidal and two little ones.[LKV Veros class D] |