

Discussions twoleftears has started

Equi=core 1200 OR Equi=tech 1R OR Isotek EVO3 Aquarius559513
Alta Audio speakers--anyone heard them?1002414
Brimar vs Mullard cv4003/12AU7292369
thread for PMC owners972216
Mohican vs BCD-335583
Acrotec directional? silver/gold banded rca's19320
Spendor vs. Spendor: D9 vs. SP100R238271
Cambridge CXC transport--better remote?20590
modest DACs: any real improvement, 8 yrs on?51145
tonearm cable vs regular IC + ground wire28776
up-to-date DAC with tubes and XLR output?21722
Music Hall Ikura vs. Pro-ject 2Xperience Classic55194
Zu Mission speaker cables48104
"forward' vs "laid back" speakers1986132
Proac problem: tweeters or crossover?1353323