Responses from twl
My highest praise - for Audiogon Audiogon is the premier audio website, and for good reason. It is run right and the people in charge and the people who are members are good people. It is up to us to maintain this standard. Treat every person here as you would like to be treated ... | |
Hum problem Check to see if your power cords are running along next to your interconnects. If you can move the power cords a foot away from the signal carrying wires, do it. If you must cross a power cord with a signal carrying wire, then cross at 90 degree a... | |
Miles Davis,extreme Jazz and the death of Jazz The nature of Jazz is to be an evolving, cutting edge type of art form. Thus, it cannot remain in any status-quo for long, and remain true to its nature. I agree with many of the above statements about later Jazz artists. Some are great, like Shor... | |
Little help in cartridge purchase? Viridian, thanks for the reminder. I forgot to mention the very fine DL103D in my list. Also a great value. For the money it is practically impossible to beat these cartridges. There are better ones, but you're going to have to pay significantly m... | |
Little help in cartridge purchase? IMO, regarding the DL103, and I have one, the regular DL103(spherical stylus) model is the best value. It is $200 or less, and does as well as some very high priced cartridges. When you get to the DL103R(improved coil strucure), DL103PRO(Broadcast... | |
Component Upgrade/Mods to share? One of the things to look out for when parts swapping is that you know what value you are looking at. A resistor of say 1k ohms at 5% tolerance may be 1050 or 950 ohms. If the designer used his resistors based on measured values and not printed va... | |
Little help in cartridge purchase? I'd think about a Dynavector 10x4 in that price range. Brand new and generally considered to be a real bargain for the performance level. | |
Need Help with Interconnects for my tube system.. How about trying some warmer sounding NOS tubes for your preamp? Like Mullards or Brimars? Cheaper than many new interconnects, and has a larger effect on the sound. | |
New Lowther Drivers. Clueless, don't be concerned about me not posting my results. I will make sure that anyone who wants the information, will have it. Thanks for your support of my thought processes regarding equipment design, and your eloquent descriptions.I remain, | |
New Lowther Drivers. Bishopwil, I remember our previous discussions, and I am not in conflict with your statements regarding the proper reproduction of very low bass frequencies and their effects on the composer's intended sound. As I posted above, I am simply making ... | |
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi? Cdc, this is a very subjective topic. I have not heard all of the speakers out there, so I am somewhat limited in the statements I can make. In direct comparison, in similar price ranges, to the B&W products, the Linn speaker line was far more... | |
New Lowther Drivers. Dekay, it's good to hear that you and others are considering the benefits of single driver systems. I'm sure you know that you needn't "get on my good side" :-) in order for me to try to give you any assistance I can. My main reason for doing this... | |
New Lowther Drivers. Bishopwill, if the "sound" never reaches my ears, I cannot hear the music. Music is a sonic phenomenon, in presentation, at least. I am not going to take your bait for the analog/tubes vs digital/SS debate. I have stated my points on those issues ... | |
Why do DIY products have less value ? It's not that I'm trying to sell any products. That is just an example of what people think when they look at DIY. By the way, I agree with the ideas expressed above about possibly getting a pig-in-a-poke, with no warranty, no reputation, etc. and... | |
New Lowther Drivers. Yes, I've seen that one and it does look interesting. I am trying the regular Voigt Pipes first, because my ceiling is vaulted, and the Terry Cain upfiring pipes may not get much bass boundary reinforcement from my ceiling. The Cain pipes would ga... |