
Responses from tweekerman

AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet
So few SACD's avaliable, i don't know about you but i'm pickey when it comes to classical performances. The new Capitole is ONLY $5K in France I guess the US has import duties LUCKY YOU! 
My brother the doctor needs speakers
Since he's a doctor(=$$$...$) look into the top end Cabasse $4K to $13K (a french lab but drivers made in Georgia) as well as Ambience a Australian lab making a solid wood cabinet hybred Ribbon $6K call Darryl in Austin Tx. Digital Systems (he is ... 
Best transport to use with Jadis JS 1 tube dac
Detlof I thought it was earlier than 1963. Then the " New is not always better" applies here?. I have a Telarc recording made i think in the mid 90's they list all the Sony mic's and other super high tech equipment. But the older recordings sound ... 
AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet
A S O S you've hit on something here. RELIABLITITY My friends $3K CDP broke. Was NEW!! My $600 CDP broke as well. Was NEW!! I'm sure the AA and AM are reliable units but if the Electro unit qualifies for the additional word VERY then that answers ... 
Anyone have honest opinion of Jolida amps?
Mg just curious how much were the Svetlana the Tungsram the Westinghouse? i've heard good on all 3 So looks like Marakanetz had the right word here, get good tubes. BUT how much are they? You may have hit on something here. In order to get these h... 
Best Kept Speaker Secret?
Thorty now thats a new one for me. just went to their web the beautiful photo of the inside electronics is awesome! even the name -ZERO HYSTERESIS ZH270- lets me know its a departure from tradition. however at $4500, it better be great. as well th... 
EMC1 upgraded versus MKII
Hey Ljgj my speaker thread still has me thinking pretty hard. I feel like and probably look like a dog chasing his own tail. The 1 conclusion i drew from my electrostat shootout was that you need a big amp to drive em. All i can afford was the lit... 
Best Kept Speaker Secret?
Thorty thats probably true. But those electros really drink the juice!! Powerholics!! True they sound great except the low end is soft. They are QUITE BIG. I prefer a great small AFFORDABLE quality intregrated to drive efficent speakers as opposed... 
Sim Audio Moon W5 vs Electrocompaniet Amp
Mr. Stehno has a right to state his full and honest opinion, as does Mr. Celery. But if you listen carefully AND read between the lines seems Stehno's has some bias and distortion, 2 qualities nobody likes in their systems. Electrocompaniet makes ... 
EMC1 upgraded versus MKII
Ljgj If you are still following this post could you further explain the Kora sound. My heart was set on getting a used EMC1(and maybe not upgrade for someone said that the 192 bit upgrade tends to make the music less smooth he prefers the 96 ???) ... 
Best transport to use with Jadis JS 1 tube dac
Off the subject. Just got my little Jadis 40 watt Orchestra BEAUTIFUL! Hooked her up to my friends system and he thinks she reveals more interesting music than his AR 100 and AR pre.The Jadis $2500 the AR $8K !! Give me more Jadis!!! New is not al... 
Chord 64 dac or Tube Tech 64 vs. kora hermes
Jdlepera i've been advised GO SACD and GO A SUPERIOR 192 BIT. I'm very choosey on my classical cd performers, and with so few sacd'c available... And now with this new 64 bit tech throws a whole new twist. If you take a look at the thread Cary 306... 
AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet
Hey Patmatt if you go to audioreview and look up EMC1 you'll find 33 beautiful gut-soul-praises of this unit.(and i think these are about the MK1 model). But are you sure about the Mephisto's performance? Most important here in this case, what wer... 
Anyone have honest opinion of Jolida amps?
Hey Pls1 you miss my point. Since both Mr. Gthrushl and Mr. Ezmerald are US citizens so are allowed to give their honest thoughts,(they seem to speak from gut feeling) you can take it or leave it. Let Mr. Dakajoba go listen for himself. If you ref... 
Best Kept Speaker Secret?
Hey Tireguy i'm just the opposite i go for the "esoteric" if there is such a thing. Maybe Jadis qualifies as a secret which is why i got the little Orchestra as a start. I've gone "major brands", recently NAD Rotel B&W ,you can't get more bran...